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[Released] Game Kit Controller: Engine with melee, weapons, vehicles, crafting & more! 3.76

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by sr388, Sep 1, 2015.


What features/systems do you prefer to arrive sooner for next updates on GKC?

  1. AI behaviors options, able to drive vehicles and fire turret weapons

  2. Armor/cloth system: stats, damage resistances, etc… & character aspect customization (fallout)

  3. Cover System and Climb system based on Breath of the wild and Assassins Creed

  4. Online multiplayer (using mirror as first solution and include others later)

  5. VR integration including 1st/3rd person and locked views

  6. Full body awareness (FBA) to see player’s legs, body and arms in first person

  7. More types of controls, similar to Diablo, MOBA & RTS and similar genres

  8. More tools/creator wizards on the asset workflow (tell about them)

  9. Integrations with other assets (tell about them)

  10. More RPG/Scifi elements/mechanics (tell about them)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Kennth


    Aug 11, 2017
    Thanks so much :) My only other thought would be maybe being able to use on trigger enter for doors and
    maybe merchants, since one would assume you would want to buy/sell when going to a merchant.

    Thank you for all your time.
    sr388 likes this.
  2. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I have been making more tests and improvements on the animation management system for weapons on first person, including testing some other weapons (I have configured about 15 different weapons for testing, and more tests and improvements and tweaks will be applied):

    Yes, there are many examples of doors, including those which are opened/closed automatically when the player enters/exits from its trigger, as you can configure how the door interaction works, with button, trigger, events, input, shooting at them, etc...

    Kennth, Peppo87 and EN_Games like this.
  3. Mr_squiggle


    May 11, 2019
    In terms of the save system. It says in the upcoming update 3.03 it will be able to have an improved save system. With the current save system does it have the ability to store just the player location data and nothing else at the moment? I'm hoping to set up a metroidvania esk saving system like metroid prime for my game if possible.
    sr388 likes this.
  4. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Yes, the current save system stores info about the player and camera location/rotation on the scene, a capture of the main camera, basi info of the date, time played, etc.... and all the important info about the player, including stats, skills, inventory, missions, dialogues, vendor, experience, etc...

    The improvements mentioned for 3.03 are related to save the info related to the scene it self, for example, dead AI or spawned AI, droped or picked pickups, unlocked or locked doors or devices, places where inventory objects were used, etc....

    So that is mostly the only info left to be added to the main save system and which will be included during 3.03 update. Along with it, I want to also include some components which can be attached to any object to store and load basic info about any of them along with options for events according to the info loading on each object, to allow as much customization as possible.

    The save system was also improved on the last update, to make it easier to extend and add new info through code.

    Finally, another improvement is planned, to move the save system from using binary format to json. Let me know if you have any other question or doubt related to this or any other element of GKC :)

    Kennth and Peppo87 like this.
  5. Mr_squiggle


    May 11, 2019
    This is great thanks :) Looking forward to 3.03
    sr388 likes this.
  6. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Good day of work, checking some stuff, applying some fixes to minor bugs, some tweaks and keep working in finishing the new additions shown so far. I have been also improving the locked camera system related to the lock-on of targets and the way to manage the different types of camera controls in that view.

    I want to make a demo taking inspiration from tunic, with an isometric view and melee combat, here just a little preview (the model is from an asset called Elijah made by @AndiRutz , who is a very talented artist and who I will make some collaborations in future demo scenes too):

    And here a video of tunic it self:

    Kennth, Peppo87 and EN_Games like this.
  7. Mr_squiggle


    May 11, 2019
    I was wondering if it's possible to have super mario 64/sunshine/a hat in time style controls in game kit controller yet?
    sr388 likes this.
  8. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    What type of mechanics/controls would include? It would be useful to have a list of those elements, to know which is already added and what could be added/improved for the rest.

  9. Mr_squiggle


    May 11, 2019
    In terms of moves:
    Sliding down a sloped surface.
    Double jump
    The ability to jump onto of enemies.
    Body slam.
    The ability to kill enemies with a body slam (some enemies can only be killed this way)
    Triple jump.
    Long jump.
    Wall jump.
    Wall slide (while on a wall you can just slide down instead of jumping off of it)
    While jumping in the air you can do an attack to achieve great height or distance like a forward pounce.
    When you jump at a wall you run up it slightly then begin to slide down. And you have the ability to jump off of it if you want.
    Ledge grabbing.

    Basically something like this in terms of a moveset.

    When touch a poisonous or fire hazard. You can be pushed back into the air while receiving damage.

    in terms of platform obstacles in the landscape. Something like this.

    I used to work in unreal but my computer has a bit of trouble with handling it. So I'm using unity now (runs a hell of a lot smoother).

    In terms of collectibles. Something akin to this.

    Any of these would be good thanks. I'm making a retro survival horror with the game kit controller at the moment (still learning mostly). Having a blast with it. For someone who comes only from a 3d/animation background your asset is a godsend. Really helping me out :)

    sr388 likes this.
  10. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Thanks for the list of elements, it will be useful when working on the elements that are not presetn yet on the asset :)

    What is currently present already from that list are the next:
    • Double jump
    • Triple jump
    • Punching/combo
    • Ledge grabbing
    And for the videos, I have pending to play a hat in time, but I want to give a try very soon, to get also some ideas and see how controls and movement feel, in order to achieve something similar :)

    Also, thanks for your kind words, it is much appreciated to hear that and very happy you are having a good time with the asset :D

  11. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Peppo87 and Deckard_89 like this.
  12. 3DWizerd


    May 13, 2015
    Having fluctuating lag/fps with empty project and GKC with latest version. Anyone have similar issues? also still using 2019.2.2. fast or fantastic graphic settings doesn't matter, usually 15 to 75 fps
  13. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    That is strange, I used to get around 150 by default. In the game manager component, check that the limit fps option is configured as you need, as by default is configured as 120 fps limit, but you can change that or disable that limit.


    Also, check if maybe the profiler is active, as that reduces the amount of fps too.

    Some custom editor are large in GKC, including some like player controller component or player input manager component, as unity adds some slow down when a big custom editor component is expanded, so you can either collapse it or select other object on the scene just for the play mode on the editor.

    Finally, something that I have noticed is that having the view game and scene windows in separated parts of the editor can slow the fps (I think this could be related to show gizmo option, something I will check), but this can be solved by just dropping any of both windows into the other, so only one of them is opened at the same time (this just during play mode), here:


    Of course, nothing of this affect to build and in the editor will have a good performance as well after checking these elements. I can make a remote session with you to take a better look, as there could be maybe some issue in your case. Let me know if you try the above.


    Attached Files:

  14. 3DWizerd


    May 13, 2015
    Disabling the FPS seemed to help a bit. Thanks
    sr388 likes this.
  15. MAVG


    Feb 22, 2018
    Have you thought about modifying the AI to make an option that uses the power of the "ML agents" package?

    That is, to create a way to create a dynamic AI that can learn to fight, cooperate, move, search etc. with machine learning? as in "Hello neighbor" or just to give the game devs the means to perfect an IA until its dynamic enough to make great AIs in a game.

    I don't know much about programming but this is seen to be able to speed up your work with AI and also make things a bit more interesting.

    tell me what you think about it.
    sr388 likes this.
  16. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Happy to hear that. Like I said, I can make a remote session to take a better look at it. Send me a PM here on the forum in that case, I will be glad to help :)

    Yes, I am very curious to try the machine learning AI, see how it works and adding that kind of elements into GKC as well, as I haven't had the time yet to give a try to the unity examples.

    I would like to take a look at it at the start of 4.0 updates. Thanks for reminder me about it :)

    MAVG likes this.
  17. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    When I read this I laughed ... because it reminded me of when I was testing GKC last year and getting some really strange results. It turned out to be hardware thermal throttling due to an abundance of cat hair in my CPU cooler. ;)
    sr388 and blacksun666 like this.
  18. 3DWizerd


    May 13, 2015
    That'll do it.. I wish mine was that simple, Win10Pro, Water cooled Ryzen, 32gb mem, 2080rtx. Ill just keep at it. Profiler doesnt give me any clues either. going to try barebones/safe mode style
    sr388 likes this.
  19. Deckard_89


    Feb 4, 2016
    Hey, I'm not using GKC right now but I also have this problem, and have done for several years whilst working on my game. I am on Unity 2018.3 still. So, I do not think it is GKC as I don't even have it in my project. Profiler tells me nothing. Unity just seems to to struggle after it's been running for more than a half hour for some reason, no matter the scene, settings etc. Very odd.
    sr388 likes this.
  20. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Here an early example of how the weapons are configured to use animations in first person once a new weapon is added:

    Of course, this process will be simplified and automatized as much as possible, so it can be very quick and simple. Also, here a look to use multiple weapons in that view, including a melee action for the weapon, with a knife attack:

    @3DWizerd @Deckard_89 yes, I have seen the same unity content having different performances in different versions of unity, so the best way is to make some tests trying a copy of the project in different unity version, and see the results.

    @3DWizerd like I said, I can make a remote session with you to take a better view ;)

    Thanks for the suggestions and the kind words @MAVG, it is much appreciated :) Allow me to take a better view on your list and telling my thoughts about it asap ;)

    EN_Games, MAVG, Peppo87 and 1 other person like this.
  21. MAVG


    Feb 22, 2018
    Thanks to you for creating such a god tier asset, again i apologise for the long and tedious text, but all the details are worth it I assure you.

    i eagerly await for your response.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2021
    sr388 likes this.
  22. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Good news, everyone.

    The beta of 3.03 is ready, so anyone who wants to try it, send me a PM here on the forum.

    Also, I have made a new tutorial video to show the different settings for the player to toggle walk/run and free/strafe movement, to configure a style similar to most third person/over the shoulder/resident evil remakes games:

    Thanks for your kind words @MAVG :) I will check your post properly tomorrow and tell you about it ;)

    Kennth, EN_Games and Peppo87 like this.
  23. Mr_squiggle


    May 11, 2019
    Hi I was wondering if there is specific way to add a custom post process component into the player camera stack (in the inspector). Cause when I put in Styliser extended Or Aura 2 It seems to apply it but the player camera seems to morph into the body and seems to placed at the chest or slightly in front of it. Or near the players feet. Is there a setting I have to tweek maybe?
  24. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    @sr388 I was wondering is it possible to have a witch time mechanic? Like the dodge in bayonetta and botw.

    To be more precise and technical:

    An event system which trigger when the character do an action "just in time" relative to another agents state, hitbox or actions.

    Such as witch time is implementable as the following:
    1 - character enter evade when enemy attack or close to a slow projectile hitbox
    2 - whole game goes in slow mo
    3 - character animation evade replace back slide with back flip
    4 - additive surprise animation is fired on enemy if source is enemy attacking
    5 - screen post process and particle system is fired
    6 - witch time state is broadcast to every agent in the scene

    For example point 2 can be replace with just the enemy going slow mo instead of whole scene, or the character gain one more bar or unlock a move that can combo with the evade (punishment), instead of evade action it can be a defense (parrying), etc ...

    Basically you want spore creatures editor, that looks like an entirely new assets! It also need many state of the art features (animation and meshing of arbitrary character which mean procedural animation) that probably out of the scope of this assets and if @sr388 agree to do it, it will probably be in a very distant version of the asset!
    Mark_01, Kennth and sr388 like this.
  25. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi @Mr_squiggle.

    If I remember properly, I have seen other users with these assets and GKC working without problem. For that camera effect, did you add a new camera, or you put the components needed to use it on the main camera (which is the one that is on the player camera system)?

    Also, did you change or add any layer or did layers were overwritten? It sounds like maybe the previous layer were changed or the layer in the player (which is "player" by default) has maybe changed, as it could be the camera collision detection that is detecting the capsule of the player as obstacle when it should ignore, which is made by default, as the layermask for that detection doesn't include the layer "player".

    The component that contains these elements is "Player Camera" on the gameObject called "Player Camera", in the collision detection settings.

    Let me know if you check that. I can make a remote session with you to take a better look and get it sorted in no time ;)

    @neoshaman haha, it is curious that you have commented about the witch time mechanic from bayonetta and similar games, because a few days ago, I added that exact element for the combat, basically using the option for the perfect dodge/block option, which has events which can trigger events not only in the player, but in the attacker it self, or trigger events for all the AI around the player

    And one of these effects examples is the witch time, slowing down the AI during x time. I will show that today ;)

    About the previous suggestions of @MAVG, I want to take a better look at them today, but of course, I always try that each new addition, system or improvement has an organic order and logic to be added during the regular process of updates for the asset, to get a proper evolution and improvement of it and that the core expands following a structure which makes sense (like building the walls before the ceil and once the main house is done, add the furniture and stuff inside).

    But yes, it looks a little like spore, which I think is out of the scope for the asset. The closest element that I could think about it is related to the AI, for example for animal behavior, which I want to work in a future update (though much before of that, I want to improve the current AI it self).

    Kennth and neoshaman like this.
  26. MAVG


    Feb 22, 2018
    I was actually originally thinking of something less complex than procedural animation and placement

    Something similar to "no mans sky" (in wich you start with a complete creature with its own animation controller and an amaglamate of parts and then you enable/disable said parts to make up a creature) rather than spore like (complete freedom of edition), in this system basically you can "equip" or (activate / deactivate) parts in the editor, in specific parts on a body rather than moving them freely across them, i saw that something like that could be integrated into this asset easly, and considering that parts can be also considered like weapons i came up with the idea that each part could have its own power.

    besides this disable/enable parts would allow to equip things like idk (dr. octopus mechanical arms without the need of procedural animation)

    the procedural animation came to mind when i saw the grappling hook and basically
    thought that the actions of the ia/player could make a gun or part model react making an animation.

    And well i was thinking also this was probably out of the scope thats is why i hesistate to make this suggestions on the first place but man... this has IA machine learning and rts elements planned, and now even has a gun editor system in game it really feels like nothing is out of the scope of this asset, and also i wanted to make a different kind of suggestions.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
    sr388 likes this.
  27. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    @MAVG Of course, no need to say sorry, like I said, all suggestions are available and taken into account for future content and according to it, it can arrive at some point, sooner or later, so don't hesitate to keep suggesting interesting elements or systems ;)

    About the procedural animations and stuff, I added a few days ago on my todo list to check more about this kind of mecha/procedural walk animation elements:

    Not only for walk, but for other elements. Also, I want to add one example of this mecha control based on these IK elements as a vehicle to drive, so instead of physics for flying or moving on wheels, it would use animations, which is also planned for the near future addition of animals to ride or to control once the support of generic models for AI and player is added (for animals, monsters, robots, etc...).

    lampcord and MAVG like this.
  28. MAVG


    Feb 22, 2018
    Thanks as a matter of fact i know how hard implementing a new mechanic into an already existing system can be sometimes you have to rewirte the whole code of the game to implement one tiny mechanic, wich again is why my suggestions are so tecnical as in based on what i know of this asset "wich is very little beccause of how huge it is" try to make the most easiest and flexible way to implement new mechanics.
    sr388 likes this.
  29. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Of course, it is totally understandable.

    That is why I try to organize all the planned and future content in an order which makes sense and that can fit as puzzle pieces, so for an element or system that will be implemented in the future, maybe while working on current content, there are some additions or changes as preparations for the content that will arrive later (or while making some new system, following the same process to take into account the future elements).

    It is also good and makes things easier that a lot of systems on GKC are made to be as general as possible (yet very customizable), so they have room to add new options or different examples or extend it with new behaviors in a way that doesn't require modifications to previous elements (or just some little addition), and keep the main system and structure as clean and simple as possible, to make everything in the most modular way possible.

  30. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    by the way now you are integrating saving for the whole scene (i wonder if you can restore full anim state on top), that would be a good basis for a scrub able scene rewind/replay system, this will help you a lot to have a solid basis for online multiplayer (because state of destroyed objects need to be restored potentially, for example rollback system, say you do an hadoken, that is blocked but the sync tells you it wasn't destroy, so put it back).
    Kennth and sr388 like this.
  31. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    I would like to check about how that could be managed, as maybe it is a matter of checking the animator state, check its current % of animation and initializing that info (and maybe save the current state of the controller) and restore that. So yeah, it could be interesting, along with manage that part on the online multiplayer as well.

    neoshaman likes this.
  32. Kennth


    Aug 11, 2017
    IMHO, Asking for a Spore creature feature, you are asking in essence a special function that will apply you and not many other's. Furthermore, I agree with @neoshaman and @sr388 a whole new creature generator is outside the scope of this asset ( at this time for sure ) by rights it should be a Paid add-on if at all.

    It would lead to feature creep of this asset and the time line for making this kind of feature would imho take a very long time. I personally only try and ask for features that most ALL user's could use and want/like, with an eye of not taking an unreasonable amount of the developers time.

    My last request in this forum was for an armor system, that is connected to " stats " like armor of strength ( etc ) would give the player more strength do do more damage. This same system could do weapons and rings, neck pieces.. etc.

    I am waiting to buy this, once it is in. I am not pressuring @sr388 to put it in.. but it is a logical next step.. sometime in the future .. for his asset .. imho.

    It would make sense though to have a beginning character selection .. maybe along with UMA ? in any case that does not seem totally unreasonable for this asset. But if you were determined enough I would think a half way competent coder could put this in himself. But I still think if he was to put a character selection in,,, it should come after his planed timeline for other planed features already in the road map, imho.

    I don't mean to cause problems or bad feelings.

    I just did a fast search for " character customization " there are a few assets possible.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2021
    sr388 likes this.
  33. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Thanks @Kennth for your interest in the asset, and of course, the armor/cloth system is very planned and will work exactly as you said, including options to add stats, properties and other states to the character that wears it (not only for player, but for the AI as well).

    And it will allow full customization of the player, as a customization menu will be added, including sliders to change the body, face, head and other body parts appearance, similar to most RPG or souls-borne games. That menu will be usable at the start of the game or ingame at any moment (as the developer prefers to use it) and keep those changes and customization values in between games.

    Of course, the cloth/armor/accessories pieces will be changed in game at any moment as the player prefers and UMA will be 100% compatible with GKC and with this customization system as well.

    Also, in case you missed it, I have made UMA tests (finally) and have added a couple of very minor additions in order to make UMA 100% compatible with GKC, and you can see the results here:

    Of course, this addition is made now as all the other preparations needed for it have been made, including improvements in the inventory system and the change of the current weapon slots (in the bottom bar of the screen) for quick access slots for any type of inventory object, similar to deus ex, for consumables, quest objects to use, objects to equip, melee and fire weapons, for the upcoming update :)


    hopeful, EN_Games, Kennth and 3 others like this.
  34. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    re spore creator:

    There is also the fact I did some research about it, since I want to make procedural games, in case that is of any interest of anyone. It's currently suspended so I can focus on task with higher priority.

    - meshing is mostly simple except in place where you have more that two part join. a creature is essentially a tree (or a graph, but that's rare, you better include loop and hole as special body part to connect) where branch have variable size along the length, you basically have 4 majors case, the end cap, the actual body part as a tube, the joint between two part, the joint between more than 2 part. All are trivial except the latter one which you can create using an adaptation of convex meshing over vertices of a proxy filler mesh (generally an ellipsoid) and the opening vertices of each incoming limb hovering a bit around the proxy filler mesh (so they are used on the skin boundaries and allow connexion). Spore use metaballs, but it's more complex and create various visual artefact. But you don't have to use continuous mesh, overlaping part work just fine (stfu i want continuous mesh). There is also extra part that are simply dropped on the surface of the part, and react to events of the creatures, you can have direct meshing by cutting the mesh to insert, or just attached another mesh.

    - the animation is a bit more complex, depend on the animation, the basics is first to discriminate part by role semantic, generally you will have limbs, body and heads, and a single part can have many semantics at once. Discriminating the limbs (like laterality and back and front, relativity to the presence of other discriminated part, like top limb might act differently if there is bottom limb and many more) further help with the main semantics being feet, grappler and emote (tails, antenna, ears, eyes, etc ...), there can be many more to specialize, that's why its own group.
    ... The easiest is walking animation because it's currently popular, even for n feet, there is tutorial to do it. But you probably some discrimination based on laterality and direction for a convincing result, to sync the feet sequence. assuming you have feet, so you must have a different movement animation based on part that touch ground, and there is many way to interpret how that happen.
    ... grappling is moderately difficult and you need system of discrimination based on the (arbitrary) shape, and self penetration might be hard to handle, but generally grappler IK is something that exist already in games and we have some implementation and tutorial, in fact GKC have some simple generic IK for gun.
    ... head IK is something that already exist in game and is covered in tutorial for the simple case, the difficulty is when you have overlapping semantics and what to do, there is many way to interpret how head anime on top of a limb too (just the top, progressively along the spine).
    ... emotion is a bit complex, spore use the motion of the main body as a prime vector, basically frequency and sway is enough to convey emotion, then you have secondary animation with feet to raised or not, and pointing with head, emote part and grappler. Overlapping semantic can be hard to handle.

    GKC have gone so far, the only reason I haven't start working with it is because my project kinda changed focus, I still want to do a procedural open world "xenoblade ish no man's sky", but the technical aspect of the rendering black people (skin but mostly hair) mean i decided to focus on that and make it good enough in the absence of complete technical help and documentations. You can only have so many difficulty at once on a project, you have to pick the battle, but that's just a small delay, once that's fixed, I'll finish my spherical terrain with procedural circulation data for gameplay.
    Kennth, Mark_01 and sr388 like this.
  35. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Here another test example of another weapons/animations pack from the store, to try and test the animation management system on first person on GKC (it needs a couple of tweaks):

    In this case, the package is called HQ FPS Weapons and the other tested previously is Low poly FPS pack. Both have been very straight forward and quick to configure out of the box with the GKC system, following the same steps as the video of yesterday. And any other package will follow the same simple steps.

    Let me know if you would like to see some other weapons package configured on GKC ;)

    @neoshaman nice, happy to hear you still planning to work on that project, as I am looking forward to it :) I want add some more vehicles examples soon, including some "transforming" one, which can turn from ground to flying and back similar to xenoblade, taking advantage of the IK mecha example of a few posts ago. Also, I want to integrate some vehicle assets too, including edy's, ms vehicles and some other like randomation vehicles.

    EN_Games, Kennth, Mark_01 and 2 others like this.
  36. MAVG


    Feb 22, 2018
    well maybe i got too carried away with that last suggestion anyway here are more suggestions that are more "on scope" for this asset referring to the IA, integrations and new abilities

    - IA Citizen Mode: i mean a mode in wich IA does normal stuff when not they are not interacting with the player (talking and interacting with eachother, going somewhere, working, etc.) like on GTA you could use this free asset as reference for coding

    - Infection Disease Ability: Basically is an ability that transmits a contagious disease to the objective... something like this:

    at 1:48 minute

    the disease can be fatal overtime, have a temporal duration or be permanent, a few ideas I have with is is that you can use this system to change behavior and materials So the character can with this system from (sicken and kill large number of enemies) to (create an army of mutants/zombies at their disposal) but that´s just my idea

    - An Infestor integration with this system would be actually awesome
    sr388 likes this.
  37. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Here another tutorial video to manage the player's modes and its options:

    Allow me to check your suggestions better tomorrow in the morning, as I am going to get some sleep ;)

    EN_Games, MAVG and Peppo87 like this.
  38. MAVG


    Feb 22, 2018

    Great! let me know your thoughts about them...
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
  39. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Here a preview of the new resurrect option, which allows to bring back to life any object with a health component, and along with this, a zombie state is activated, so instead of being a regular AI again, it is turned into a zombie, with a different animator movement tree, attacks, mesh and more:

    @MAVG yes, I have planned to work on a population/crowd system, to configure NPC doing different stuff on different parts of the scene, so they have kind of "a life", walking or driving to some places, doing work or stuff and returning home and similar.

    It is part of the improvements planned for the AI, including its behavior system, in order to make this kind of elements easy to configure and customize.

    This population/crowd system will be worked during 4.0 updates very probably.

    And above the infection, I have planned to make the damage type option, to assing a type of damage to any element which can hurt to an object with health component, like fire, or poison, ice, rays, light, darkness, etc... and each one could trigger a kind of reaction according to the settings, including an option to "spread" it, for example, if the object is getting fire damage, maybe he spreads that damage to any other object which can touches or having around a radius.

    So I think the illness damage type or similar could fit on that element, which should be worked during the next update, as part of the cloth/armor system, in order to have stats/properties/skills for armor pieces/cloth, including damage resistance or weakness, so the system can interact nicely according to the combination of the damage type, protection and how much vulnerable to that damage is the object/character.

    Let me know what you think.

    In the top part of this post, you can see the zombie state, so that could activate some kind of disease or infection among other AI or players. I want to work also on AI which instead of focusing in attack, it acts as support or healer, so it can heal other enemies or even resurrect them or heal their zombie state (or turn all the dead into zombies, as a kind of summoner or similar).

    hopeful, EN_Games, Kennth and 4 others like this.
  40. blacksun666


    Dec 17, 2015
    Any news on when multiplayer (network based) support will be worked on? Worried that the more you develop single player functionality the bigger the job will be to add multiplayer support.
    hopeful and sr388 like this.
  41. MAVG


    Feb 22, 2018
    awesome... im looking forward to it

    oh one more thing: can the player control the zombies if he makes them?
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2021
    sr388 likes this.
  42. Kennth


    Aug 11, 2017
    If it helps here is the road map that is listed on the asset store page ..

    imho single player 3rd person / First person . needs to be developed and ready/finished.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2021
    sr388 likes this.
  43. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I went ahead and revamped the jetpack system and the flying system, using a much better control and animations for it (though some more tweaks will be applied along with few more improvements to the control of the character in these modes):

    And now, both modes allows to use powers and weapons without any limit on it, something which couldn't be done before. I will show the flying system tomorrow.

    @blacksun666 and @Kennth on this post, you can see the near roadmap for the rest of updates of 3.0 and the start of 4.0 (I have to update the info on trello yet, but the content on this post is very recent):

    The online muliplayer will be started very soon and any importatn progress about it will be shown here :D

    Yes, technically, once you transform them into zombie, you could use the possession/override system to control that AI as zombie, similar to mario odyssey. Or maybe you just mean to give orders to then through basic commands like attack, wait and so, and the answer to both is yes ;)

    EN_Games, Kennth, hopeful and 3 others like this.
  44. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    I recommend you to look at this then :D
    sr388 likes this.
  45. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    @sr388 - Are the fighting while in flight and resurrection modifications in the latest version? Or are they in the next version?
    sr388 likes this.
  46. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I have been thinking about making a showcase video of games/projects made with GKC (finished or in process), so I would like to ask you people if you can put here or by PM any video of your project (no need to record a clip specifically for it, if you already have some video or trailer recorded, it is good enough), to take some a clip of each one and edit a nice video for it.

    I have already a list of videos with very interesting projects and I would love to include any other project in that video, which I am sure it will be very cool once it is complete :D

    Yeah, I had this video already on my see later list haha. I took some ideas from it and from dragon ball flying control for the revamped flying system in GKC, which I will show later today ;)

    The free floating mode and the flying system in GKC allows to get a mix of both flying and fire weapons of anthem controls.

    Yes, all shown so far is part of the upcoming update. I want to have an improved beta in a few days, with elements tweaked, polished and fixes from the feedback of the users who tried the previous beta.

    Like I said, anyone who wants to try the beta, send me a PM ;)

  47. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    As promised, here the improved fly system:

    It uses animations now and like the free floating mode, zero gravity mode and jet pack system, it allows to use the weapons, powers and the rest of abilities on this mode too. It is also much smoother now and I want to add some more options for the air control and physics forces applied to it, to allow to have a more free control or a more tighter one, according to the user needs.

  48. BladeE


    Jun 6, 2017
    Hello. How can I make aiming in 3rd person mode more accurate like FPS mode? How can I disable the weapon and body wobble animation when aiming in 3rd person mode? I need the player to shoot exactly where the weapon looks, not where the cursor shows. The laser designator should also be pointed along the barrel of the weapon, not at the point of the mouse cursor.
  49. MAVG


    Feb 22, 2018
    Suggestion once again:

    Even though this asset has a lot of powers i just found a game that has whole library of awesome powers and abilities that you can include here are the powers:

    seriously this video is a library of powers on itself.

    - one thing that specially caught my attention (even tho all the powers are equally awesome) and gave me an idea is in the 6:33 minute, the attacks are called "body surf", "air stomp" and "cannon ball" and i was thinking if you could also create a charge attack similar to reinhart in overwatch but that can also work if you are in any point in space the air or even in the water.

    - 7:08 Ground spike attacks that impales and splits enemies are also great

    - Question: is the grappling hook customizable? lest say i want something more... volumentric like in the video? is it possible?

    PD: About giving orders to the zombie i have one thing to say: (perfect)
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
    sr388 likes this.
  50. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    I'm going to suggest to rename this asset into Christmas pinata
    Mark_01, Kennth and sr388 like this.