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Question Not properly joining SteamMatchmaking lobbies [Facepunch.Steamworks, Mirror]

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by whoft, May 26, 2024.

  1. whoft


    Jul 1, 2021
    I am working on a multiplayer game with a basic lobby system using SteamMatchmaking. Everything works perfectly if I create my own lobby using , I can send chat messages, change the settings, join the game, etc.. However, if someone else creates an account, there's an issue:
    - The lobby data is found to be empty (even though I automatically set data on lobby creation)
    - currentLobby.Owner.Name is an empty string
    - I don't see/receive chat messages I've sent in the lobby.
    - The lobby player count is 0 (even though I'm in the lobby now, and the account that started the lobby should be too)

    I have a SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyEntered callback, and it does fire when I call
    Code (CSharp):
    1. await SteamMatchmaking.JoinLobbyAsync(lobbyToJoin);
    . Even better, it passes the right lobby ID back, so I know I joined the right lobby. The lobby properly appears in the lobby browser I have set up, and everything else works.

    It just seems that I've somehow joined a "ghost version" of the lobby. I don't think it's on my end (in that it's not my code's fault), I've combed over everything I can find in my code. If anyone has an inkling of an idea what's going on, that would be wonderful.

    Duplicate of , posting here to see if anyone has encountered this themselves.
  2. whoft


    Jul 1, 2021