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New multiplayer transport release

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by aabramychev, Oct 7, 2016.

  1. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    New transport release has been published (based on 5.4.4f1 version)

    The changes are:
    0. few small bug fixes
    1. ConnectonConfig.IsAckLong parameter doesn't exist anymore, instead there is new parameter ConnectionConfig.AcksType which can be set to
    kAcks32, kAcks64, kAcks96, or kAcks128
    so now buffer for reliable messages can contain 32, 64, 96, or 128 bits. (I would recommend to start from 32 and only if you expect difficulties with sending increase this parameter)
    2. Experimental wss support (web sockets via ssl)
    For confguration you should set following parameters in ConnectionConfig for web socket server:
    -> could be null n this case certificate won't validate

    I tested the last one with self-signed certificate and looks like everything works. Hence, im not sure that I cover all use cases. So if you fill that we need to implement something else, ping me please.

    Hi guys
    two news
    1. New transport will be officially realised in 5.6
    2. the new version based on 5.4.3.f1 has been deployed

    It contains new statistical functions and batch sending:
    int GetIncomingMessageQueueSize ( hostId ) -- how many messages waiting for consuming (for host)

    int GetOutgoingMessageQueueSize ( hodtId ) -- how many messages waiting for sending (for host)

    int GetCurrentRTT ( int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error ) - current round trip time measured in the last ping period, NOT AWERAGED (per connection)

    int GetIncommingPacketLoss -- ( int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error ) - how many incoming packet was lost in network (network packet drop count)

    int GetIncommingPacketCount ( int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error ) -- how many packets have been sending to us (including lost packet): (for ex: from the start was sent 200 packets, where 10 packet was lost in transmitting)

    int GetOutgoingPacketNetworkLostPercent ( int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error ) -- how many outgoing packet was lost in transmitting (I have sent 100 packet to somebody, 5% of them was lost while transmitting)

    int GetOutgoingPacketOverflowLostPercent ( int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error ) -- how many outgoing packet was lost due incoming queue overfull (I have sent 100 packets, 7% of them was dropped by peer, because it has not get resources to handle them)

    int GetMaxAllowedBandwidth ( int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error ) -- what is the current allowed bandwidth. (Initially I set up 1 MB per sec, but due big % overfull packet loss, library changed this value to 500kB/sec; 500kb/sec == MaxAllowedBandwidth)

    int GetAckBufferCount( int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error ) -- how many slots in Acknowledged bugger have been occupied (my buffer size has 32 slots, current size is 31, most probably if i will send 2 reliable messages, second one will not send,
    or, my AckBufferCountpersistently about 31, and I periodically get false while I send something -> I need change isAckLong to true )

    int GetIncomingPacketCountForAllHosts( ) -- how many incoming packet was dropped due lack space in incoming queue (I receive 100 packet per sec, while read only one per sec, in 10 sec I will receive 1000 packets where 990 will be dropped)

    int GetIncommingPacketCountForAllHosts () -- how many incoming packets I received (so far: from game start I received 100000 packets) (see this function name is not correlated with GetIncomingPacketDropNumber() name and possible should be changed)

    bool QueueMessageForSending( int hostId, int connectionId, int channelId, byte[] buffer, int size, out byte error ) -- allow user to define when messages will be really sent out. By setting SendDelay to 0 and use this function, you can queue couple of messages for sending
    and then send all of them in the moment when you really want. For example once per frame. This function insert messages in outgoing queue but don't really send

    bool SendQueuedMessages( int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error ) -- this function really send messages, queued by SendBatched() function
    Hi guys the new version based on 5.4.2f2 has been deployed

    It contains following fixes:
    1. Clean interface for websocket, now you can call AddWebsocketHost( ..., port, ...) if port != 0 host can use for passive and active connecting (port will be listening port) if port == 0, host can used for active connection only
    2. Fixed bug with pool configuration
    3. Fixed websocket bug when webgl can connect only to one host

    Hi guys

    We have got news for you (But I’m not sure that news is exiting).

    We have prepared an experimental build based on Unity 5.4.1p3 with a new multiplayer transport/library, which we’ll make available in the future release.

    It contains the following changes with previous release:

    1. Improved protocol
      1. Now, all reliable messages in packets will be combined in one, so with isAskLong = true, and frame rate 60 packet per sec you can sends messages without any headache up to connection with rtt = 1s.
      2. Message headers are significantly reduced, in many cases it is up to a 100% reduction
    2. Send improving, with this release we can handle much more connection without performance degradation. When you call send you can expect that message will “almost” immediately will fired out. “Almost” means that there are 3 parameters that affect this process:
      1. GlobalConfig.ThreadAwakeTimeout (default value: 1ms), will regulate how often library will provide send operations
      2. ConnectionConfig.SendDelay (default value: 10 ms) defines how long library will wait for the next message before will send previous. It is useful to combine some messages in one packet.
      3. Bandwidth (see next section) if you exceed your bandwidth, message will wait before corresponding bandwidth will be available.
    3. Bandwidth based flow control. In previous release used bandwidth could be calculated as packetSize*MinUpdateTimeout. In current library user can set up initial bandwidth by using ConnectionConfig.InitialBandwidth property (default value: 100mb/sec). Note: if your peer won’t have resources to handle this bandwidth it will reduced automatically by flow control mechanism.
    4. Threading. For server platform (MacOS, Win and Linux) user can set how many worker threads will handle network related data (combine messages to packetd, extract messages from packets and so on) using GlobalConfig.ThreadPoolSize property. This improvement allow you to handle much more connections per server than before.
    5. Experimental support for client web sockets: In previous version server platforms could host web socket server, now these platforms can not only be a web socket serer but they can active open web socket connection to another web socket server. After adding web socket host with function webSocketHostId = NetworkTransport.AddWebsocketHost() you can use NetworkTransport.Connect() function with webSocketHostId. This way Mac/Win/Linux can play with WebGL players.

    You can run this build with your multiplayer projects without needing to make any changes to use these new improvements.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
  2. Ashkan_gc


    Aug 12, 2009
    Thanks, interesting actually :)
    A few questions
    Will the WebSocket client work in mobile platforms too?
    Is it possible to expose the raw Websocket as wel to be used without uNet protocol?
    Is it possible to reduce delay of websocket connections by any new configs? disabling nagle for example?
  3. mischa2k


    Sep 4, 2015
    Great to hear alex! Threading sounds almost too good to be true. I am really looking forward to use this in uMMORPG.

    It would be great if you allow us to modify the connection config and the global config in the NetworkManager component with the Inspector by the way. I am currently using an extra component and C# Reflection to do that, but it's kinda ugly:
    Screenshot at Oct 07 16-26-42.png
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
    SwiftIllusion likes this.
  4. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @vis2k , yes it makes sense
    isidro02139 likes this.
  5. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    Will the WebSocket client work in mobile platforms too?
    > :) it is manually prohibited right now as we do not tested them on mobile, but yes it should. When? I will try to unblock before unite, but cannot say I'm 100% sure

    Is it possible to expose the raw Websocket as wel to be used without uNet protocol?
    >afraid no..

    Is it possible to reduce delay of websocket connections by any new configs? disabling nagle for example?
    >Nagle has been already disable, enabling it bug will require time :) For delay you will still have 2ms read/write delay for each peer (it is pulling model right now, every TreadAwakeTimeout unet pulling ws service... To change this will require time...
    isidro02139 likes this.
  6. mischa2k


    Sep 4, 2015
    I tried the new beta today.

    By default everything works fine.

    If I set GlobalConfig.ThreadPoolSize to >1 on OSX El Capitan then I get the following error message:

    Code (CSharp):
    1. ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
    2. Parameter name: Worker thread pool size can be > 1 only for server platforms: Win, OSX or Linux
    3.   at UnityEngine.Networking.GlobalConfigInternal..ctor (UnityEngine.Networking.GlobalConfig config) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    4.   at UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport.Init (UnityEngine.Networking.GlobalConfig config) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    5.   at UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkManager.StartServer (UnityEngine.Networking.Match.MatchInfo info, UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig config, Int32 maxConnections) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    6.   at UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkManager.StartServer (UnityEngine.Networking.Match.MatchInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    7.   at UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkManager.StartServer () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    8.   at UILogin.<Awake>m__49 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    9.   at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    10.   at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    11.   at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    12.   at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    13.   at UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    14.   at UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    15.   at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    16.   at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    Tested in Editor and in Build.
  7. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    Oh my god.. Yes you are right will fix today, new build will be available on the next week. thanks a lot. It is not very important right now, as performance should be enough with one thread but in future it can be problem.

    I think I will fair warning if thread pooling is used for not proper platform and will change this value to 1.
    isidro02139 likes this.
  8. mischa2k


    Sep 4, 2015
    You are welcome. Yes it's no big deal, was just trying the beta.
    A warning would be perfect. As long as multiple threads work on OSX of course :)
  9. Ashkan_gc


    Aug 12, 2009
    @abramychev Thanks for the replies man.
    Only one feedback/concern , to enable cross play the HLAPI guys can simply making it easy to have a NetworkServer with both UDP and Websocket connections. I already did this with the help of Sean (back then when he was at unity) and this is less than 10 lines.

    This said having web sockets on other platforms is valuable in some scenarios probably as well so I'm not saying you should forget about this feature at all. What I mean is that if the goal is cross-play , probably that is a better way. And this is all IMHO and according to my experience. some people might prefer to use websocket for all to have a fair game since probably UDP clients will have a better experience in realtime, message-heavy game.
  10. Zullar


    May 21, 2013
    Thanks for the post and the improvements.
  11. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @Ashkan_gc Im working on this right now. Hope it will be ready before end of the next week :)
    isidro02139 likes this.
  12. peterpi


    May 18, 2013
    I have a game that uses reliable messages. Could you clarify what "headaches" I might previously have encountered?
  13. Ashkan_gc


    Aug 12, 2009
    @abramychev Thanks man, Awesome!

    @peterpi some amount of artificial delay, if you did not notice it, probably the game is not that sensitive to delays.

    I'm saying artificial because they have been due to library implementation and not the actual delay of sending the data over the wire.
  14. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @Ashkan_gc delayed:( I did try on last week, unfortunately no success, will ask help android and ios team on this week, but it will take a time.

    @peterpi If you do not fill problems, probably you are ok. The problem can happened when you use couple of reliable channels and sends data to all of them + latency ~100-150 loss. In this case retrasmit buffer can be be easily overfilled and you won't be able to send... In this release all reliable message will be combined in one doesn't matter which channel they are belong...
    isidro02139 likes this.
  15. PhilSA


    Jul 11, 2013
  16. Meneu


    Apr 21, 2015
    Hi ~@aabramychev
    Any doc or guide that people can follow to implement the handshake/ heart beat for the connection?
    since I m trying to make a connection to a server that implement by other application Q_Q
  17. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @PhilSA: good question. Road map I hope will be published by Erik during Unite. For me, as I'm usually working on LLAPI it is difficult to comment the list :( As far as I know (i can be wrong) inheritance issue is in work right now...

    @Meneu, sorry man, cannot understand you. Do you need connect to Unet from other (not unity application)? Or you need to know protocol internals?
    if first, you need to ask any unity support engineer to access to "server.dll" unet project. (Unfortunately I don't know all of the requirements to get access to them). If second, you need wait for unite where I will most probably represent protocol internals.
    isidro02139 and PhilSA like this.
  18. Meneu


    Apr 21, 2015
    @aabramychev . sorry for confused. and yes I m trying to connect the Unet(Unity Application) to other application(Not Unity Application).
  19. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @Meneu ok, you will need to connect with support engineer and ask him can you access to server.dll unet code. If you cannot do this, send me private message and I will try to check what is procedure is.
    isidro02139 likes this.
  20. larus


    Unity Technologies

    Oct 12, 2007
    What we have coming out in the immediate future is this new network transport impolementation (this is a huge change internally), and this is also bringing better websocket support on non-webgl platforms. Then there are improvements on the dashboard coming out any day now and more are in the pipeline and we'll put them out as soon as they are stable. More features are on the roadmap where work has started, like NAT punchthrough support, relay host migration support and server DLL support but I don't have an ETA on those shipping to the public. However, we've focusing more on bugs, stability fixes and documentation improvements and will do that until those are in a good state. When stuff like the new transport and dashboard improvements are done we'll rather work more on bugs, rather than adding other shinty features (besides the ones listed here), at least until we're happy with the foundation.

    The inheritance issues you mention are on our list, and we'll get to them, this isn't related to this new transport effort though, this is low level transport (C++) while the inheritance issues are in the high level (C#). So don't expect it fixed in this build or with this feature but they will be addressed in our bug squashing efforts.
  21. Whippets


    Feb 28, 2013
    Tell us more about packeting - It sounds like I can throw messages to a connection, and internally they are buffered and sent out together as packets every PacketDelay seconds. Am I understanding this correctly, and the bundling of messages incoming and outgoing is handled behind the scenes, leaving me with just a queue of messages incoming.
  22. PhilSA


    Jul 11, 2013
    Awesome news, guys! I 100% agree with your priorities. Sounds like UNET has a promising future
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
  23. Zullar


    May 21, 2013
    Thanks UNET team.

    I am glad to hear you are working on the bugs & fundamental base robustness and not adding shiny new features yet.
  24. peterpi


    May 18, 2013
    Thanks for the info everybody.
  25. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @Whippets Correct. Considering message flow:
    m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, ...., mx, lets say that length of each message ~ 1/3 PacketSize (so 3 message can be combined in the packet) and let you send 10 messages per frame, frame length 10 ms (each 1 ms), SendDelay = 5 ms.

    When worker thread will receive first message it will wait for a 5 ms to trying combine more than one message per packet. In this 5 ms we will receive 5 messages. Thread will combine them in two packet P1(m1, m2, m3) and P2(m4, m5) and then will send two packet out. As incoming queue is empty, thread will fall asleep again. When m6 message will arrive worker will consider them as first message in sequence and will wait for SendDelay again...

    Note: every time when worker added message to packet it will check current occupied bandwidth. If bandwidth will overfull thread will wait before bandwidth will be enough to send next message in the queue. For example
    Initial bandwidth is 10kb per sec, in the last second you want send 11k. the first 10K will send while remaining 1K will wait for 1K/10K/per sec ~0.1 sec...
    mischa2k and Whippets like this.
  26. Whippets


    Feb 28, 2013
    Thanks @aabramychev this is brilliant info

    I'm using NetworkServerSimple, and not touching the NetworkManager - does this mean that I have no SendDelay system, and need to implement one myself?
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2016
  27. Jouni-Mannonen


    Nov 23, 2015

    On a more serious note, we finally managed to get our networked gameplay for Sociable Soccer working within 1 frame of latency on local multiplayer between devices. This is very good progress, we hope that this special beta version gets merged with the upcoming patches (or betas) as soon as possible since we also use VR and we can't stick with the 5.4.1b3 version for very long.

    Alternatively, is it possible for us to take the networking DLL and just drop it into a new version of Unity (5.4.2+), or are changes required on a deeper level?
  28. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @Whippets SendDelay def value is 10 ms, if you won't touch anything you will have 10 ms gap to accumulate messages.

    1. Hope it will 5.6, I will notify here when we will understand the date
    2. New 5.4 version based on the next path will publish here on the next week (I still need backport one more bug fix, merge with 5.4 branch, and go through qa process I think it will be Tuesday or Wednesday
    3. I don't understand the last question :( about networking DLL ? What do you mean?
    isidro02139 likes this.
  29. Jouni-Mannonen


    Nov 23, 2015
    We're probably going to be okay if there's going to be merged updated 5.4 versions - we just can't get stuck on a single patch release at this point. Luckily we're not under pressure to publish yet. I was just wondering if the network code could be updated separately from Unity like a stand-alone component, basically patching it in to a new version of Unity myself if there wasn't one officially available.
  30. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    Not yet. We are working on modules in unity (when each library or component will be separated) but this work far away from finish :(

    For this release of UNET we decided just support all official patches with new UNET implementation before official release. The main reason of this - from our experience alpha-beta period is not enough for multiplayer testing, and we had a lot of bugs just after release and got stuck with them. Now (I hope) the product is much more stable (1) and we have time to fix bugs in experimental release (here) faster and be closer to customers...
  31. shadiradio


    Jun 22, 2013
    Thanks so much for all the news and updates @aabramychev, that's so nice to hear!
  32. Whippets


    Feb 28, 2013
    So to be clear, even when running NetworkServerSimple & NetworkClient connecting directly, without all the game-ready stuff, NetworkManager with all of it's matchmaking and scene management functionality is still being used behind the scenes?
  33. Jouni-Mannonen


    Nov 23, 2015
    This is good to know and resolves most of our issues during development right now.

    One important point, though; since the new UNET implementation adds variables that do not exist in the official 5.4.1p3 version, using ConnectionConfig.SendDelay breaks the build when trying to compile on any other version. Is there any #define we can rely on to identify these special versions?

    Right now I'm using #if UNITY_5_4_1 but this means the code still doesn't compile on the normal 5.4.1p3.
    Whippets likes this.
  34. Whippets


    Feb 28, 2013

    Interesting that SendDelay has moved to ConnectionConfig from NetworkManager - as that's the thing I'm trying to nail down right now. I'm using 5.4.2f1 and SendDelay is still part of NetworkManager.
  35. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @Jouni-Mannonen No, I don't think so. SendDelay (as other new parameters) has def value sj you don't need to set them with old projects. Second SendDelay (as other new parameters) is not parameter which crc calculated, so old code should work with new perfectly. For new library we tested unet with old legacy hlapi code, nothing changed. We don't change old function just add new ones..

    @Whippets It always belongs to ConnectionConfig as other parameters which you configure via NetworkManager, NetworkManager is hlapi artifact and it hides llapi code inside.
  36. Whippets


    Feb 28, 2013
    Hmm, I'm sorry for being really dumb here, but I'm just not getting it.
    I use the ConnectionConfig as part of HostTopology which I give to NetworkServerSimple.Listen. My ConnectionConfig does not have a publicly accessible SendDelay parameter. Because I'm not using NetworkManager with all of it's game-ready functionality, is it still present even though I'm not using it? This is my server code...

    Code (csharp):
    2.     ConnectionConfig cconfig = new ConnectionConfig();
    3.     cconfig.MaxConnectionAttempt = 3;
    4.     cconfig.ConnectTimeout = 3000;
    5.     cconfig.AllCostTimeout = 20;
    6.     cconfig.DisconnectTimeout = 4000;
    7.     cconfig.PingTimeout = 500;
    8.     cconfig.NetworkDropThreshold = 20;
    9.     cconfig.PacketSize = 1500;
    11.     HostTopology hconfig = new HostTopology(cconfig, 500); // max ccu is 500 here
    13.     NetworkServerSimple server = new NetworkServerSimple();
    14.     server.Listen(5000, hconfig); // port 5000
    From there, I have a range of Registered Handlers for the message types. I don't use RPCs, Commands, NetworkTransforms, NetworkIDs, or any other functionality.
  37. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @Whippets I meant that SenDelay has default value in ConnectionConfig constructor. If you do not set them explicitly it will remaining default...
  38. Whippets


    Feb 28, 2013
    I have to set SendDelay in NetworkManager? Is NetworkManager underneath NetworkServerSimple? If I only use NetworkServerSimple, is NetworkManager still involved?

    I hope I'm not the only one trying to understand the hierarchy of uNet classes, and nail down what is used and when.
  39. Bitiquinho


    Jun 16, 2015
    Is multicast usage/support improved ? I couldn't find any examples on how to use it and it seems somehow neglected.
  40. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @Whippets So far no, no new configuration parameters have been exposed to HLAPI yet. The reason is easy, we will probably add or remove some of them and do not want to do this work twice... So far you can (1) do not tuch these parameters and use NetworkManager and so on as is (with default values) or use customconfig and define these parameters there.

    @Bitiquinho :) Good question,
    (1) i haven't get any notes, requests, bugs about multicast for the year
    (2) There is a logical problem with "multicast" sending: You send mulitcast message to connections 1,2,3,4,5, what are you expect if connection 3 is disconnected and connection 4 is overfilled?
    (3) What you can save with multicast it is only one memcpy per message. So for 10 connection you will save 9 memcpy, Im not sure (now) is it significant improvement or not..
    (4) On c# level you can easily get the same result + add your logic to handle situation like described in 2.

    So, based on these facts I (temporary?) exclude multicast from code, so code going to be much cleaner.
    BUT! Probably im wrong with my assumptions. So if you can prove existence of this feature in library i will implement them.
    isidro02139 likes this.
  41. larus


    Unity Technologies

    Oct 12, 2007
    You could look at the layers like this, from lowest to highest, the highest depends on what's beneath it, but not reversed.
    • NetworkTransport - bare bones socket functionality
    • NetworkClient and NetworkServerSimple - client/server classes which can be used for anything, can set up connectivity and message handlers but nothing more complicated than that.
    • NetworkServer and ClientScene (with NetworkClient) - these use scene data and add more functionality, so can spawn prefabs, track server/client objects and so on.
    • NetworkManager and NetworkManagerHUD - more ready to use functionality so you can get started with minimal code, common functionality exposed in inspector, easiest way to set up connectivity and spawn players/objects.
    • NetworkManagerLobby - built on top of the network manager to provide lobby functionality (people connect and join a lobby scene and game starts when everyone is ready).
    You can for example skip using the NetworkManager and implement that functionality yourself, then you would use NetworkServer with NetworkClient/ClientScene and ignore the manager altogether.
    isidro02139 likes this.
  42. perplex_bcn


    Mar 1, 2013

    One question:
    When will NetworkTransport.AddWebsocketHost() or NetworkServer.useWebSockets will be available / working on iOS/Android, so that they can play with WebGL players?

    Best regards.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
  43. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @perplex_bcn we will try to solve this before end of november. Cannot say exactly when as the time of solution depends not only from us. Yes I know about this pain, not only you asked about this feature...

    But I have the similar question. If we will implement this fast can I hope that you will test this solution and report about any problem immediately? In opposite case I will ask qa play with this solution first, and it will require much more time :(
    perplex_bcn, isidro02139 and clever like this.
  44. Bitiquinho


    Jun 16, 2015
    @aabramychev Thanks for responding so quickly.

    I've been trying to work with Unity's NetworkTransport class just recently, and I couldn't really fill a bug report about multicast implementation, as I don't even know how it is supposed to work. I have posted a request for a multicast example on Unity Answers (, with no success so far. So the support I am asking for is more in the sense of learning material, not fixes, as I can't say if there is something broken.

    I understand that the few advantages of supporting/implementing it could not be worth the effort. I just assumed, up till now, that the proper implementation was already in place.
  45. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    Ok, so yes, right now in this build this feature just disabled. (in llapi but you can still write the code for handling this on user level)

    i will change my question. What do you expect from this feature, how it should work? :) If we are going to implement this feature as one of the core functionality? (take into account the fact that gain which we receive == 1 memcpy per one Send() call in user thread.
    isidro02139 likes this.
  46. jjobby


    Nov 28, 2009
    I cannot build exe using this version of Unity. Nothing happen when I press build button. Do other people have same problem?
  47. Bitiquinho


    Jun 16, 2015
    @aabramychev, I think that, in order to switch between uni and multicast communication, the user should just need to replace some calls:

    - Server: replace AddHost() by Add[Multicas]Group(), that would use a default [multicast] address, or just internally handle the case of providing a multicast IP to AddHost().
    - Client: replace Connect() by Join[Multicast]Group(), that would use the same default address, or just automatically join a [multicast] group on Connect() if a multicast address is provided.
    - Server: replace the loop/sequence of Send() calls to each client by a single SendMulticast() call that takes the handle/id provided by AddGroup(), or just internally perform a multicast Send() if a multicast hostId (and possibly connectionId == -1) is provided.

    That's just my idea. But I can see it working without even extending the current NetworkTransport API, by handling special cases on the existent calls, depending on the provided arguments.

    Again, I understand that it could mean a small benefit compared to the development/maintenance work required, and I appreciate that you're open to suggestions.
  48. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @Bitiquinho Looks like we are talking about different things. Do you mean real multicasting? As bsd socket multicast, correct?

    Because, the "fake" multicast was implemented, means that you can send message to the connection group like this:
    PrepareSendMulticast(buff[]); //prepare buffer make interdomain memcpy;
    SendMulticast(connection1); //send this buff (no copy) (sendto(socaddr*)); generic unicast sending inside
    SendMulticast(connection2);//send this buff (no copy)
    SendMulticast(connection3);//send this buff (no copy)
    SendMulticast(connection4);//send this buff (no copy)
    FinisgSendMulticast(); //free resources...
    isidro02139 likes this.
  49. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    Hi guys the new version based on 5.4.2f2 has been deployed

    It contains following fixes:
    1. Clean interface for websocket, now you can call AddWebsocketHost( ..., port, ...) if port != 0 host can use for passive and active connecting (port will be listening port) if port == 0, host can used for active connection only
    2. Fixed bug with pool configuration
    3. Fixed websocket bug when webgl can connect only to one host
    isidro02139 likes this.
  50. aabramychev


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 17, 2012
    @jjobby try please the last version, i did check it, i can compile ...