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Games just a little teaser 2

Discussion in 'Projects In Progress' started by unitedone3D, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. unitedone3D


    Jul 29, 2017

    Attached Files:

    AiKodex likes this.
  2. unitedone3D


    Jul 29, 2017
    Re cats having deep convo.

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  3. unitedone3D


    Jul 29, 2017

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  4. unitedone3D


    Jul 29, 2017

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  5. unitedone3D


    Jul 29, 2017

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  6. unitedone3D


    Jul 29, 2017

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  7. unitedone3D


    Jul 29, 2017
    Re5 glorious' 2K, right-click on the image to open it in a new tab and see a full 2k shot;

    this is same same thing; it will be exactly the final look (which took me years to get); now, of course, the look is not 'all/be all end all/all there is to it'; but, it is important (at least, in my game it is; some other games don't need (that/all that much) pretty graphics; but, most games that have that AAA look; look about that; in the end, the gameplay is still the most important, but visuals multiply the gameplay's effect when are good; same for sound (image, sound, story, interaction/mechanics/gameplay..when 'stars, moon and planets align themselves', now you got a hit game (and, of course, needing of marketing it; you can make the nicest looking game (visually) but if no one knows it exists, besides you and family, your game will remain unknown until someone 'stumbles' on it on the internet; probably, a youtuber/influencer, who will stumble on your (rough around the corners a bit, but), 'little hidden gem'; a gem is a gem...but it is hidden, if unknown; therefore, it cannot remain a (lil) hidden gem, but a (lil), Known gem or else, as said, remain unknown (gem)); btw,.. talking about gems, in my game there are Tons of gems, stones, precious stones and other ancient egyptian minerals/precious stone (like ruby, gold obviously, beetle-blue gold, beetle-green gold, emerald, limestone, gold faience, gold cartonnage, plated, diamond, 'diamond in the rough' (a diamond might be (in the) rough, but a 'diamond is forever', etc...or as that Japanese developer said: ''A released bad for-ever (bad); but a 'worked on''early access' betalike rough game..can be salvaged.'').
    If you are wondering, it is not 'pre-rendered', this is - real-time 'in game' 3d graphics....hope you like it...and if you don't, that's ok, and it is your opinion and I respect that; and thank you for looking.

    PS: No's not pre-rendered CG/CGI cutscenes or a 'CGI trailer' of a game, but it is, what I was after, for 'look dev' and recreated it 'in real-time/in game' (30-60fps) in built-in render at 2K res (albeit, you can now reach that with HDRP or using Unreal 5). In the release of my game, I will add 'FDS/DDRS' the ATI and Nvidia pixelres 'superscaling' that make an image for larger resolution, using the lower one; thus, you will be able to play (well, for those that care, I know we must not market our game(s) --to devs....but to gamers..the audience that cares of your game); but, amany devs (like me), are gamers -- too; on top of dev, so they end up players, not just devs (dev to dev), but dev to dev- become player again; the game will possibly run (after scaling) to 4K or, even on a beefy Nvidia 4090 GPU, 8K Resolution (you need at least 15-20GB VRAM GPU to be able to play in 8K (albeit upscaling reduces the VRAM need; still, the GPU outputting an upscaled 8K resolution eats away the GPU power and its VRAM; most GPUs mid-level cannot run that, at more than 10-15 fps), it is diminishing returns to reach 8K, of course; and some people don't see any difference between 4K or 8K (some people still 'game' on 720p (1280x720 'mid-HD' res; not full HD 1920x1080 (2K/1080p res))...but the difference is subtle (4K vs 8K), but, there...for example, the Ennemy Demo (CG/HDRP) by Unity was rendered natively at 4K..and when reduced to 2K...there is substantial loss of detail and you notice it; but yes jumping from 2K to 8K is very obvious, the image is much more 'formed'/sculpted/detailed/constrat gradient/the silhouettes 'pop' a lot more because of a much higher 'total pixel count' (2K = 2 million pixels, 8K = 33 million pixels; that's why the GPU is put to its knees, it needs to render up to 16X Times more pixels for 8K, so a 60fps at 2K = 4fps at 8K); while, the visual 'jump/step' of 4K --> to 8K, is quite less so); it will be close to 3d CG movie, as game (but, of course, not a 'movie/QTE' a FPS game); I will have more to show than this (same) set piece (I have a ton of (other) stuff; am solo dev (have a CG art background/did VFX studies young) and this game is taking me years to make since 2018 (though, because of learning 'on the go' and 'first try' I know we must try many times, but I did not wish endless tries; I wished to put (if more risk of course) more eggs in same basket; when, I know, you you don't do that, you put eggs in - many - baskets, in case you drop some; not all in same basket; it's a risk I took, I risked/risking my time/money for this; also. in the mean time, I decided that I will also have 'more buns in the oven' as in, I know that devs that succeed have Many games under their it is practice to release more than just 1; and make many; so I have devised ideas etc...and have tons of other games I wish to make (did lots of 'idea guy' ideating and will have lots of great projects other than this)..going on 6 years deving gahh....too long; because it is my first game and perhaps (or quite, assuredly) I overscoped and 'aimed for the sky' a bit blindly, and do 'scope creep/feature creep'...I will have to finish it; I guess I am a (bit or a lot) of a (exaggerating) 'perfectionnist' with certain aspects of it and that is very long; but as the saying goes: ''the devil is in the details''; if that game has no detail(s), it can be bland), as said, it's just a teaser. ...right-click and open in new tab to see full 2k res image.





    Last edited: Dec 16, 2023