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Question FishNet Server-sided Ragdoll, Collider Rollback on Humanoid Character

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by unity_1XnAv_ZYTLK38A, May 19, 2024.

  1. unity_1XnAv_ZYTLK38A


    Nov 10, 2022
    1. So i have a humanoid character i have used the unity Rig Builder, and the 3D Object Ragdoll generator, my ragdoll is so far working but now it is only client side. I need it to be the same on all clients and the server, currently i tried to just put a NetworkTransform on every rigidbody of the ragdoll, but that is very twitchy and therefore not usable.
    2. I also need Collider Rollback on my Character, i have looked into the FpsLand Demo on how it's done, but since i already have all my colliders from the ragdoll and i want to use those colliders directly, but in Fishnet the parent of the collider is used for the rollback.
    (Version 3.11.18, Pro)
  2. Punfish


    Dec 7, 2014
    Synchronizing ragdolls is pretty complex given how random they are. The parent is rolled back but so are the children of it.

    Worth noting Prediction 1 / V3 are no longer supported. All work is going into Prediction 2 which is stable in current release of 4.3.3.
  3. unity_1XnAv_ZYTLK38A


    Nov 10, 2022
    i will update to v4 but that is not the problem, i would still need a way to sync the ragdoll