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Feedback on getting started, Unity Multiplayer vs Unity Networking API

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by EnlightenedOne, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. EnlightenedOne


    Jun 17, 2015
    Hi Unity Team,

    My original thing for today was to start a new prototype by investigating how to roll game architecture in Unity for a networked real time game, I read your networking API and I thought it looked like a good place to be.

    I then got caught figuring out where the free to use API ended and the cloud offering began, was the NetworkManager from the UnityEngine.Networking API safe to use freely for a game purely targetting a real time LAN based game or was it off limits? Certainly the options on the script did not make the distinction clear.

    "Unity Multiplayer" -
    Implement Multiplayer features easily with concurrent users hosted by Unity. Full access to high/low level APIs. Take advantage of Unity-hosted features; Relay Server and Matchmaker Server. Learn more
    " - In the context of your licensing screen nothing explicitly state that the limitations relate only to the usage of your Match Making and Relay Services, as an outsider that title and subsequent bandwidth popup details per license read like you are going to aggressively charge people for any networking of data based on their AppId.

    I am confused by two points:
    1. On the pricing screen why "Unity Multiplayer" your engines multiplayer solution and not "Unity Hosted Multiplayer"/"Unity Multiplayer Cloud" to separate cloud services from your networking API?
    2. Why on the pricing screen does "Learn More" not clarify anything about what "Multiplayer" is in this context? It took the forum FAQ to veirfy it was just your cloud offering.

    I had a quick dig and found I was not the only paranoid one put out:
    " - I do not believe the response hit this one on the head well as the high level API is safe to use according to your FAQ but it shows the confusion is not just a singular misunderstanding.

    In your forum FAQ:
    "Can I use Unity Multiplayer without Unity Relay Server and Unity Matchmaking?
    Sure! You can continue to use the Low Level and High Level API and stand up your own servers or try NAT punchthrough yourself. At that point, you’re just paying for your Unity License (if you are paying for a Unity License)." - Not having gone through the release process I am 99% sure this answers my question.

    Hopefully this feedback is of use to you, I believe I have my answer and I hope this saves some other paranoid person some time! :)

    Kind Regards,