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(WIP) FC Parkour

Discussion in 'Works In Progress - Archive' started by lparker, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. lparker


    Apr 8, 2013
    Hey everyone,

    This is going to be my official update thread on any work done for one of my current projects "FC Parkour". This is a work in progress title for it may change at some point.

    What is "FC Parkour"?
    FC Parkour is a game where you currently have to Parkour though a randomly generated linear level to gain as many points as possible.

    Currently Implemented:
    • Outside level generation - This is where off the objects and models are not an enclosed space.
    • Parkour - Using the UFPS and acParkour on the asset store I've managed to get the Parkour itself working really well.
    • Checkpoints and Respawning - As you see in the second dev log video I've implemented a check point and respawning system so if you get a larger level in the generation you don't have to start all the way at the beginning .
    Future Items (Certain):
    • "Inside Levels" - These levels will be generated from models which you don't see the outside, I'm hoping for a kind of futuristic feel for it.
    • Multiplayer - Once UNET is working and released I will be adding multiplay to the game along with a few game modes, such as "Capture the Flag", "Parkour Racing" and "Parkour Show Off" (See Below for info on the specific game modes).
    Game Modes (In the Beta Release):
    Since the alpha release will be in the next week or so, the game modes will be added in the beta release.
    • Capture the Flag - In the single player version with will be a race to get to the flag and move it to the end of the map. In multiplayer it will the teams start at either end of the map and they have to try to reach the flag first, then bring it back to their start to score.
    • Parkour Racing - This will be basically you race against other people (or maybe bots) to finish first in a race of Parkour Skill.
    • Parkour Show Off - In a randomly generated level you have to get as many points as possible by doing things such as wall running, climbing, running on thin lines etc. All within a time limit.
    Video Log Playlist:
    I'm going to be doing viseo updates as often as possible with this project, so below is the Youtube playlist for everything to do with FC Parkour over at here at youtube.

    If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to either put them here or in the FC Parkour videos.

    I hope you like the look of this game (I'm certainly enjoying myself making it atm.)
  2. lparker


    Apr 8, 2013
    Second Devlog video:

    calmcarrots likes this.
  3. lparker


    Apr 8, 2013
    The third dev log is out:

    For the next video I should have the inside level generation done. Also I'll be adding a basic timer and basic scenes ready for the alpha release.
  4. lparker


    Apr 8, 2013