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Why does the new input system's XML documentation not show up in Visual Studio?

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by Vapid-Linus, Dec 28, 2019.

  1. Vapid-Linus


    Aug 6, 2013
    The new input system has a lot of XML documentation, see PlayerInput.cs for a great example. All of this information is greatly useful. However, inside of the Unity project when using Visual Studio, none of this documentation is available.

    Peeking at, or using ReSharper's quick doc, or the standard parameter descriptions; none of them uses any of the excellent xml docs that you can find on the github page.

    Why is it like this? The documentation is already there - why isn't it included when accessed after importing the input system package?
  2. Adrian


    Apr 5, 2008
    This is an issue with the package manager. It does not generate xml comment files, which would be required for external packages (repository or git) to show docs, because those are included in the generated project as assembly references. Local packages do show comments because they are included as source files.

    There's a thread in the package manager forum:
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