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What Multiplayer and Matchmaking Services do you guys recommend?

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by InnoGZ, Jul 7, 2022.

  1. InnoGZ


    Feb 29, 2016
    I had a quick test of Unity's NetCode Package but it does not provide Matchmaking Services as of this writing.

    Game Requirements:
    1. Requires exactly 2 players for every match in the same scene and they will be playing in real-time.
    2. There should be multiple matches/scene instances that needs to happen as there will be more than 2 players in the Match Queue.
    3. Real-time metrics; e.g: progress bar of each player, score of each player.
    4. Player Data Storage/DB
    5. Android Release

    So, I need this list of questions answered:

    1. Can I use NetCode together with a 3rd party Matchmaking Service?
    2. Am I better off just using a Matchmaking service alone without using NetCode?
    3. If question number 2 is true, what Matchmaking Service is the most simple to use?
    4. Do I need an Authentication/Login to be able to use Matchmaking?
    5. What BaaS will provide the game's requirements? And possibly its future requirements? (service scalability)

    I need the BaaS' APIs written in C# as I intend to stick with C#.

    Your input will be highly appreciated.