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VR UI Design System - Material Design

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by duhoang, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. duhoang


    Oct 20, 2018
    VR UI Design System is a library of common UI components such as buttons, tabs, menus, control bars, etc., design specifically for use in virtual reality applications.

    Although this is built for Oculus and Gear VR, you can make modifications and use it for any system.

    How to use:
    - Download Oculus Integration from the Asset Store and import it into your project.
    - Download and import this library.
    - Open the SampleScene. That's it!
    (Make sure that you have your headset connected)

    - All UI components reskinned in the style of Material Design
    - Customizable accent colors
    - Light Theme and Dark Theme
    - Fully integrated and work out-of-the-box with Oculus

    Mark_01 likes this.