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voronoi lines

Discussion in 'Shaders' started by AnKOu, Feb 16, 2020.

  1. AnKOu


    Aug 30, 2013

    I'm creating a voronoi noise shader. I am to the point wher i'd like to display lines between cells.
    I've found a tutorial

    I've got a problem. I want to animate the cells so that they move with time.
    Also, I wan't to be able to draw a grid instead of voronoi cell.
    For each of those cases, I can do it easily by controlling the random point inside each cell.
    random position between [0,1] for animation,
    [0.5,0.5] position for grid.

    The problem is that as soon as I modify the point position outside certain values, lines are completely in mess.
    I just don't get it.

    Example :

    Value is 1. No weird stuff

    Value is 0.999999, weird stuff (note how everything is exactly the same expected the new lines)

    Here is the code that generate the random point :

    Code (CSharp):
    3.             float2 getDirectionToCurrentPoint(int2 localCellIndex, int2 worldCellIndex, float2 relativePos)
    4.             {
    5.                 float2 cellLocalCenter = float2(0.5,0.5);
    7.                 // Random position in the cell
    8.                 int2 coord = worldCellIndex + localCellIndex;
    9.                 float2 seed = float(_Seed) * float2(coord);
    10.                 float2 fractionalCoord = random2(seed);
    12.                 //animation
    13.                 float2 animatedCoord =  saturate(cellLocalCenter + ( float(0.5) * sin( fractionalCoord * _Time.y * _AnimationSpeed)) * _AnimationStrength);
    14.                 float2 localCoord = lerp(fractionalCoord, animatedCoord, saturate(_AnimationAmount));
    16.                 //voronoi amount
    17.                 float2 voronoiAmount = lerp(cellLocalCenter , localCoord, saturate(_VoronoiAmount));
    19.                 //direction from current position to randomly generated point
    20.                 float2 dirToCurrentPoint = (float2(localCellIndex) + voronoiAmount) - relativePos;
    21.                 return dirToCurrentPoint;
    22.             }
    And the code that compute the distance to the closest point to draw the lines :
    Code (CSharp):
    1. // Scale
    2.                 float2 st = i.uv * _Scale;
    4.                 // Tile the space
    5.                 int2 worldCellIndex = floor(st);
    6.                 float2 relativePos = frac(st);
    8.                 int2 closestLocalCellIndex;
    9.                 int2 closestWorldCellIndex;
    10.                 float2 dirToclosestPoint;
    12.                 float m_dist = -1;
    13.                 [unroll]for (int y= -1; y <= 1; y++)
    14.                 {
    15.                     [unroll]for (int x= -1; x <= 1; x++)
    16.                     {
    17.                         // neighbor place in the grid
    18.                         int2 localCellIndex = int2(x,y);
    19.                         float2 dirToCurrentPoint = getDirectionToCurrentPoint(localCellIndex, worldCellIndex, relativePos);
    20.                         float sqrDist = dot(dirToCurrentPoint, dirToCurrentPoint);
    22.                         if( sqrDist < m_dist || m_dist == -1.)
    23.                         {
    24.                             m_dist = sqrDist;
    25.                             dirToclosestPoint = dirToCurrentPoint;
    26.                             closestLocalCellIndex = localCellIndex;
    27.                             closestWorldCellIndex = worldCellIndex + localCellIndex;
    28.                         }
    29.                     }
    30.                 }
    32.                 m_dist = -1;
    33.                 [unroll]for( int j =- 2; j <= 2; j++ )
    34.                 {
    35.                     [unroll]for( int i =- 2; i <= 2; i++ )
    36.                     {
    37.                         int2 localCellIndex = closestLocalCellIndex + int2(i,j);
    38.                         float2 dirCurrentPoint = getDirectionToCurrentPoint(localCellIndex, worldCellIndex, relativePos);
    39.                         float d = sqrt( dot( dirToclosestPoint + dirCurrentPoint, normalize(dirCurrentPoint - dirToclosestPoint)));
    41.                         if( d < m_dist || m_dist == -1.)
    42.                         {
    43.                             m_dist = d;
    44.                         }
    45.                     }
    46.                 }
    47. // stuff with m_dist
    I don't know in which direction to investigate so I ask here.
  2. AnKOu


    Aug 30, 2013
    ok, after hours investigating, I finaly post here.
    And 5 minutes later

    I tried this :

    Code (CSharp):
    1.                //float2 voronoiAmount = lerp(cellLocalCenter , localCoord, saturate(_VoronoiAmount));
    2.                float2 voronoiAmount =  (1. - _VoronoiAmount) * cellLocalCenter + _VoronoiAmount * localCoord;
    and it works.

    But why !?

    How the lerp works internaly to affect my code this way !?