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Visual Novel/Conversation System

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Tsumik1, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    My Visual Novel/Conversation system for unity is now finished and is live on the asset store!

    This tool is designed to enable you to quickly implement a conversation system. This tool is designed for use in Visual Novel and RPG style games. However I see no reason why it can’t be used in any game that requires a speech solution.


    XML parsing of custom scripts
    Fully integrated character manager/editor.
    Auto/Skip button functionality
    Player character thought parsing.
    Scene management.
    Questions with answers leading to different paths.
    Save/Load functionality.
    Matching voice to lines.
    Scene dependent music.
    In-line responses.
    Basic conversation editor.
    In-line conversations.
    Auto-close of the dialog box
    Close button.
    Can now load characters from resources to save Scene clutter when designing.
    Fixed a ton of bugs and made it Web-Player friendly once again by adding a ‘Save Enabled’ toggle for web.
    Full custom conversation editor.
    Custom Inspectors



    Where to get it

    Get the tool from the Unity Asset Store!

    Last edited: Jul 17, 2013
  2. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    A couple more screenshots :)

    $screen7.jpg $screen9.jpg $screen3.jpg
  3. pixellegolas


    Apr 10, 2011
    This is quite nice. I will probably buy it this weekend. Good price :)
  4. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    Great stuff! Please let me know how it goes if you use it :D.
  5. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    Thinking about making some updates to the system. Question - what would people like to see implemented?
  6. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    Pending Update:

    I am hoping to release a new version of the tool by the end of August with the goal of improving workflow and customization of the system.
    There will be a custom definable dialog box that saves the need to create all of the artwork for it. More on this soon.
  7. Pythagoras


    Aug 9, 2013
    I really like your work, it's very useful. Thanks. What I would love to see implemented is the ability for variables to be checked to allow conditional dialogues and customize them according to the player actions or stats.
    Don't know if that's planned in the future but I think that would be a great addition.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2013
  8. TheeForsakenOne


    Aug 19, 2013
    I've found this tool fairly useful although I have come across a couple of issues:

    - You need to define a couple of custom tags to get the engine running but this is not mentioned in the documentation.
    - There is no word wrap in the dialogue box and the xml does not appear to parse new line characters. Am I missing something or is there no work around for this?

    I would also echo the calls for variable use. It is a very good start to the engine, though. :)

    EDIT: Getting weirder now. Sometimes it wraps text and sometimes it doesn't. :S

    EDIT EDIT: Never mind. Managed to fix the issue although adding in my own linebreaks is a little tedious.

    EDIT EDIT EDIT: Voices don't work at all. Whenever I add them they don't play and if I reload the dialogue editor then the voice files have been stripped out of the xml. I'm unsure how to fix this one although I am looking into it.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2013
  9. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    That's a pretty good idea, I will look into adding that in a future patch, although you could already do this in theory by creating several different scripts that are called depending on your Player/Logic classes. However a little inspector tool that works with a conditional based on existing objects would be something I could look into :).

    Really sorry for my slow reply on here. Just to ask are you the person I've helped on twitter? I have a patch that should address some of your issues, I apologise for the tags issue, I only recently discovered that unity clears tag and layer data on import, I will amend the documentation on the next patch. The text editors should be TextAreas and as such linebreaks should be auto? Will look into it non the less. I have just patched the voices and music management so that should be okay in the next release, am hoping to push the new build to the Asset Store within the next week or so. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  10. Poribo


    Aug 20, 2013
    Have you patched everything up TheeForsakenOne had listed? I'm planning to buy this soon and I might as well do it when you're done fixing things up. I'm guessing localisation wouldn't be hard either, it would be just swapping XML files?
  11. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    I have and there should be another patch up in the next few days that fixes a few minor issues that I found along the way. Localization should be super easy, as you say you will just need to switch XML files depending on the version.
  12. dreamlarp


    Apr 22, 2011
    Very cute. Just got it to play around and add it to a side project at some point.
  13. Bud-Leiser


    Aug 21, 2013
    I wanted to check this out, but there is no free version and the screenshots are scary. How does this compare to Visual Novel Toolkit? Theirs seems easy to use, but the documentation is in "engrish".

    FYI I'm using TBTK to make a final fantasy tactics style game and I need a compatible visual novel system to handle the between mission briefings and story.
  14. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    Hey, thank you for your interest. I didn't provide a free version as I feel the price point is very low for the solution being offered, however I can provide you with some WebPlayer demos to see it working if you would like? Whilst I'm not sure on a direct comparison I have spent quite a bit of time writing the documentation and am always available to offer advice and support when needed, both solutions are viable options to implementing a visual novel, however the way my system handles conversations is a little more flexible and less specific, so conversations can be created for all kinds of game types.

    I am certain that this system will be ideal for what you need and there is even an NPC example if you are wanting to implement field conversations as well as briefings and story scenes.

    Thanks again, I hope you consider using the system in the future, if you want any more information feel free to contact me through PMs.

  15. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    Just a small update to this package.

    I am hoping to add a patch next month that brings in the following features:

    • More text formatting options
    • Text effects/animations
    • I am looking into linking choices with a developer set variable (i.e player level etc.)
    • A ton of minor bug fixes
    More than anything I wanted to let people know that it's not a dead project and there is progress, I just don't want to push out a release that is buggy so it's done when it's done :).
  16. Guideborn


    Jun 15, 2013
    How can I incorporate a title menu with this? Are you going to add text shadow effects?
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2015
  17. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    Hi there GuideBorn,

    To incorporate a title menu you can load scenes as normal. To utilise the load function in the system take a look at the Load method in the Dialog Manager. I am aware of the awkwardness of it at the moment, however I will be addressing this in the next patch.

    In the next patch I intend to add a host of text effects, this should include text shadow effects.

    I have been under an incredibly high workload at the moment so progress on an update to the system hasn't been as quick as I would have liked. I will hopefully have a large patch out in the next few weeks.
  18. Tsumik1


    Oct 15, 2012
    Small update on the progress with the next update.

    I have been moving the system over to the new Unity UI system as such all the nice features that it uses can be used with the system. For example text effects can now be added.

    Reworking the system has taken a significant amount of time. I still have to update the choices and save/load parts of the system.

    The list of new features/changes planned for the next update are:

    • Re-work save load system to incorporate thumbnail saves, caption and full date and time.
    • Clean GUI on Script Editor
    • Add user definable conditions
    • Add text formatting
    • Create a sample main menu
    • Create a sample settings menu
    • Update VNSettings class with settings for audio/voice/sound volumes and toggles (in game)
    • Create a working CG gallery
    • Make the text box hideable (Maybe with right click?)
    • Update system with the new Unity GUI system
    • Update comments in ALL classes...
    I'm not getting the time I would like to work on this but progress is moving along at a steady pace, I am going to try and post weekly updates with details on implementation.