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Feedback Virex - Android - My First Indie Game Made with Unity! Looking for Feedback and Marketing Advice

Discussion in 'Made With Unity' started by rebichini19, May 22, 2024.


Which aspect of Virex do you think needs the most improvement?

  1. Gameplay mechanics

    0 vote(s)
  2. Graphics and visuals

    0 vote(s)
  3. Sound and music

    0 vote(s)
  4. User interface

    0 vote(s)
  5. Difficulty balance

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. rebichini19


    Aug 8, 2019
    Hi everyone,

    I’m excited to share that I’ve just released my first video game, Virex, created using Unity! After dedicating two years to developing this project, it’s finally available on the Google Play Store, and I’m thrilled to present it to the Unity community.

    What is Virex? Virex is an intense 2D arcade/shooter where you defend the system from relentless digital threats. It features:

    • Dynamic gameplay: Engage with evolving enemies that keep you on your toes.
    • Customizable upgrades: Enhance your abilities to match your playstyle.
    • Time Attack Mode: Test your skills against the clock.
    • Achievements and challenges: Unlock achievements and take on various challenges.
    • Epic boss battles: Face off against formidable bosses.
    • Abstract graphics and immersive soundtrack: Enjoy a unique visual and auditory experience.
    Why I'm Here: I’m reaching out to the Unity community for feedback on the game. Your insights, critiques, and suggestions will be invaluable in helping me improve Virex. Additionally, since I’ve been so focused on development, I’m looking for advice on how to effectively market and promote the game. Any tips on getting the word out would be greatly appreciated.

    Download Virex: You can download Virex on the Play Store

    Watch the Trailer: YouTube

    Thank you for your time and support. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts and learning from this amazing community!

    Best regards,
    Lorenzo Rebichini.

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