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Question VFX Graph Window wont open anymore

Discussion in 'Visual Effect Graph' started by Raphael_Luebke, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. Raphael_Luebke


    Jan 23, 2011

    I was considering switching to Unity from UE4 for a personal project and wanted to test the (at least to me) new VFX Graph tool to create a simple smoke effect.

    Everything went perfectly and that approach for creating VFX feels very cool.

    However i came across some really weird bug, first I got a random bug/crash while compiling the VFX after switching on soft particles - thought no big deal restarted unity but to my surprise the vfx graph window just wont open anymore in this particular project.

    I tried everything that came to my mind, deleted registries as i thought maybe somehow the window was moved or shrinked due to the random bug, i deleted all the VFX and created a new empty one, i restarted my machine... nothing works

    I can open the vfx graph window perfectly fine in other / new projects but i seemingly have no chance to open it again in the current project... is there anything i might be missing or any workaround for this?

    Best regards

  2. unity_YCHfxYkYc6NFvA


    Jan 12, 2021
    This is probably coming too late to be terribly helpful to you, but I ran into the same issue just recently and came across your question trying to solve my problem.

    I was able to have success by opening a different project (one where the VFX window was able to be opened). Take that window and dock it somewhere (i.e. drag it into the same tab bar as your scene, and game windows) and then save that layout as a custom layout (drop down in upper right of the window).

    Load your problem project and then go to Window > Layouts > "the layout you just made" to load up your new user layout. This should hopefully fix the issue. At least it did for me.

    There are multiple threads I've seen where people are having problems with Unity loading layouts from 2019 on. It seems like this is a similar issue as those ones that are preventing the editor from opening at all...