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URP 9 issue

Discussion in 'Universal Render Pipeline' started by transat, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. transat


    May 5, 2018
    Tried URP 9.x on 2020.2 and noticed that 2 assets I use in my project were playing up.

    - Massive Clouds seems to have switched from world space and now the clouds shift when I move the camera.
    - Advanced Terrain Grass, which like massive clouds also works brilliantly with URP 8, now removes all grass on the first cascade... unless I have HDR on and MSA off in the pipeline settings.

    I know this is a preview render pipeline on an alpha version of Unity but head’s up to @mewlist and @larsbertram1

    Also... @phil_lira, @erikabar and @Elvar_Orn, I’m not finding any upgrade guide to (or info about) URP 9... you’re risking developer frustration if you don’t have at least a couple of breaking changes documented (as was the case with The changes between URP 7 and 8). Assuming the point of preview packages is to help devs get a head start?
    phil_lira likes this.
  2. phil_lira


    Unity Technologies

    Dec 17, 2014
    Thanks for reporting this. Do you have any custom render pass that depends on reading the camera color texture?
    If you can submit a bug report, we can investigate it further.
    hippocoder and transat like this.
  3. transat


    May 5, 2018
    Hmmm. Switching from 8 to 9 will take many hours worth of reimporting on my project. I’ll see if I can reproduce it on a new project.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  4. transat


    May 5, 2018
    Ok @phil_lira I've reproduced it in a new project and filed bug report. I accidentally did something that fixed the ATG issue (which I did witness briefly in my test project) but the clouds issue should be clear to see.

    BTW, new URP 2020.2a7 projects open up with URP 7.1.7 Shouldn't it be at least 8.x?
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
  5. transat


    May 5, 2018
    @phil_lira And now it's happening with 8.10 as well. It takes me maybe 10+ hours to switch from one version of URP to another. This is really getting depressing.
    Lars-Steenhoff likes this.
  6. liiir1985


    Jul 30, 2014
    I agree with this, even if minimal changes in hlsl will trigger massive amount of reimporting, which is rediculous. I mean I understand shader needs to be all reimported, but I really don't understand the reason for reimporting materials and fbx files
  7. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    OK it's off topic tho :) lets focus on why those mentioned assets have problems. As really multiple different issues per thread tend to make the entire thread get avoided.

    Can I ask if, in the URP asset you have generate color and depth ticked? It may have somehow got unticked on 9 or something. It would be good if you had both 8 and 9 projects to keep them separate to avoid the conversion time cost.
  8. transat


    May 5, 2018
    I do have 2 versions now. I upgraded the v8 one from 8.01 to 8.10 and am now on experiencing the same issues as I reported for v9 is it’s the clouds. Also, the new input system is not working as expected for an asset, though that doesn’t sound like it would be URP related and may well be user error. I’ll report back some more if I can but over the past 24 hours I’ve spent working with Unity, about 23 of those have been spent waiting for imports, and staring at the Apple spinning beachball, which I get anytime focus is moved away from Unity (and onto my IDE for example).