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Discussion Unreal 5.4 did it, been asked here zillion times here, zero response.

Discussion in 'Animation' started by mcmount, May 1, 2024.

  1. mcmount


    Nov 15, 2015
    This is a message as a game developer for the Unity management:

    I'm going to tackle few issues here, and I hope this post will be up to remind why we are here. This post is honest, and might insult some people at the management, be warned. At first, few examples:

    Let's start from a REALLY basic feature:

    I have no idea where the focus to develop the game engine is, but it seems there is still no way to have smooth transitions between the animation clips but linear. Like super simple feature. So as an animator, you are forced to create all sorts of extra clips to compensate the complex transitions to make it to look natural.

    Now Unreal takes the credit having this + all fancy stuff coming with it, but it's the first thing you see it with their latest "5.4 Game Changer" video. This has been asked SO many times during the years here, and you blew your chance. You seem to focus on the mobile platform monetizing.

    I'm really disappointed of the "listening ears" from Unity side here, as this simply makes you, the management to look stupid. You, Unity dev team, have been informed about this feature for years, but it's somewhere in the bucket. Now your competitor takes the credit for it. And yes, I know it's the upper level guys...

    Let's talk about the cloth; did you guys fire the only one who had the knowledge how to do it and after that a team of greenies hopped in and tried to figure out wtf is this? Insanely long time to patch up the working version up till today, like a decade soon. Like the XYZ origin of the cloth... duh, not gonna go deeper on this.

    I know for sure, the game engine devs are doing their best, the problem is the upper level detaching from the reality. Aiming for a fast cash is really stupid way to proceed. These kind of decisions will eventually kill the engine. Surely big bucks for the big boys, but hear me out big boys;

    What you need to do is listen to your devs, listen to us, because without our opinion you, the management will be at the bridge of Titanic.

    It's us and your devs telling you the priority. You simply overlook most of the feature request feedbacks + you simply don't have the understanding of the big picture, as you have zero understanding of the reason why the engine was created for. You believe you have, but you don't. I'm sorry to say this, but big salary and fancy car doesn't make you any professional with this kind of specialized industry; you have to understand what you are marketing;

    You must've been creating games before, hands in dirt before joining Unity. Without understanding the game industry, your input is simply not valid, no matter what you've done before. But like Forrest Gump said, stupid is as stupid does... And this goes all the way up to the top management.

    But, instead of plainly complaining, some solutions:

    Let us to help you to make the engine better. Don't put your head to the bucket and hope for the best.

    What I suggest is instead taking only bug notes is to create a fast track input from your serious clients. Those opinions would be your priority, as it's painfully tedious to get feedback + patch for the problems. Also, DO note, if any problems at your forum get's filled, focus on it.

    Finally, management, as been there, done that, bit smaller scale:

    If you wanna take the shortest path; do the fast track, bail out and leave millions of people forced to turn to Unreal. That's one option. OR, be proud of your work, listen to us and your devs, appreciate all the people working there, be patient, and we all win; also you, at the management, who believes money brings you happiness.

    My final words for you topmost guys; It doesn't. I have way more than I need. The happiness is inside you.

    Just my opinion as one of the devs.

    Jari / CEO / C3 Studios / Granity Oy / Start up coach
    Enkianthus, pm007 and Ryiah like this.
  2. AKComp


    Aug 22, 2014
    As we understand from the answer not given;

    While Unreal adds tons of developer-friendly features with each update, Unity just pretends to be the "business guy." I don't think the right people are "managing" this game engine that I fell in love with.
  3. mcmount


    Nov 15, 2015
    Would be even polite to reply anything from Unity side, but as again, rely on silence, put your head to the bucket and hope for the best.

    The current dev plan is insane, and I'll hop to Unreal before end of this year after my games are out.