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Unity Stock price dropped below $20

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by frankyiu2010, May 26, 2024.

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  1. frankyiu2010


    Aug 30, 2019
    As a solo developer, I have been using Unity to create games and applications for several years. I have remained dedicated to investing in Unity because I believe it is a valuable and promising platform.

    However, I recently observed a drastic decrease in its stock price, plummeting from $200 to $20. This sudden decline has left me uncertain about the underlying causes. Consequently, I am hesitant about continuing to invest my funds in this company. I would greatly appreciate if anyone could provide an outlook on the future prospects of Unity.
  2. zombiegorilla



    May 8, 2012
    Not really a place to discuss finances/investing. Additionally it was only briefly $200 like 3 years ago, so not really recent or drastic. Try the investing subs in reddit or someplace like that. This forum is for development. While discussions like this are acceptable when there are major changes by the company, general chit chat about stocks/investing isn't for here. Closed.
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