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  1. Unity 6 Preview is now available. To find out what's new, have a look at our Unity 6 Preview blog post.
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Feedback Unity 6 fixes everything!

Discussion in 'Linux' started by chicobrandaoo, May 2, 2024.

  1. chicobrandaoo


    Feb 23, 2024
    Hey! I have switched to Linux on my laptop a couple months ago and been having trouble with Unity ever since. It felt like Unity for Linux was a mess and nobody actually cared about it. For example, a simple feature such as pressing Tab and switching beetween the inspector options wasn't even a thing. My audio also was not working, no matter what I tried - I had to open the game up on Windows to be able to finish it before the deadline, because on Linux, neither on the editor or when exported the audio worked.

    For that and some other reasons, I began learning Godot, since it serves me as I need.

    So, today, I decided to give Unity 6 Preview a try. Opened up the same project as before and everything was working! Both the Tab key and the audio.

    It made me very happy and I wanted to share it here, 'cause I imagine other people are having the same problems I was.

    Give Unity 6 a try, it may work for you too.
    Ares2048, jpriyas, superpig and 5 others like this.