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Transform animation not working for some objects

Discussion in 'Animation' started by Nukeape, Nov 28, 2019.

  1. Nukeape


    Jul 23, 2019
    I'm trying to change the size of some objects after the player scores enough points. I struggled with this a bit today because the objects does not grow. After some checking I could see that the scale(x, y, z) did actually change to desired number.
    Since these objects was imported .fbx files I figured it may be something wrong with them. So I replaced them with some ordinary cubes.

    ...and lo and behold. It worked.

    My question is have any of you had this kind of problem? Might be something simple I overlooked. I can also mention that I tried changing the objects size with both Animator and with a script, changing the localScale. Both worked for the cubes but not the imported objects.

    Thanks in advance!