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TMP AutoSize performance vs UGUI's BestFit?

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by vexe, Apr 9, 2018.

  1. vexe


    May 18, 2013

    was just wondering if TMP's AutoSize feature has any serious performance impacts like UGUI's BestFit? It seems to work very well even with Bitmap Fonts which is a plus. But just not sure about performance. Is it literally just fiding the nearest font size that fits the transform rectangle?

    Yamaguchi_NHNJP likes this.
  2. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Text Auto-sizing in general is expansive as multiple point sizes have to be tested to find the correct fit.

    Since the TMP Text Auto-sizing is much higher precision 0.05 point size increment vs 1.0 point for UGUI, it has a higher cost.

    Text Auto-sizing is a nice feature but not something that should be used on all text objects. Text auto-sizing should be use to test / find the optimum point size on a single text object (usually with the longest word or most amount of text) and then disabling auto-sizing and applying this optimum point size on all text objects. This ensure best performance and uniformity of point size between all the text objects which otherwise would be bad from a UI design point of view.
    kyubuns and vexe like this.