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Question Strange phenomenon after setting GO active in animation

Discussion in 'Animation' started by evenstarX, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. evenstarX


    Jun 19, 2021
    Hi, all.

    I encountered a strange problem and simplified it into the following question:

    1.The sphere child GO is disabled by default. It is enabled during the active1 animation, but it is inexplicably disabled again when entering rotate0. There is no operation on this object in the rotate animation. And there is no way to manually turn on or off sphere in the hierarchy view at this time upload_2024-4-28_18-12-20.png

    2.I simplify the state machine only keep it as shown in the figure below. And there is no way to manually turn on or off sphere in the hierarchy view, too.


    And the unity project is in the attachment. test.controller and test2.controllercorrespond to two situations.
    unity 2023.2.15f1

    Attached Files: