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  1. Unity 6 Preview is now available. To find out what's new, have a look at our Unity 6 Preview blog post.
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  2. Unity is excited to announce that we will be collaborating with TheXPlace for a summer game jam from June 13 - June 19. Learn more.
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STAR WORLD - Multiplayer FPS Platformer - Out Now!

Discussion in 'Made With Unity' started by forestoak777, May 17, 2024.

  1. forestoak777


    Mar 9, 2023
    Hello everyone! I would like to introduce STAR WORLD, a multiplayer first-person platformer adventure game where you have to run, jump, and shoot your way through enemies in order to rescue the lost sheep.
    It is out now for $5 on my website

    The character controller is fun to speedrun levels with. You can join friends by putting in their IP addresses (default port is 7777).