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spawned prefabs different heights

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by D-007, Dec 15, 2021.

  1. D-007


    Sep 14, 2021
    I have a scene which has spawn points, and at each of these spawn points different objects can be spawned. However, because they are different objects, some are spawning in the ground and some above. I want them all to spawn touching the ground. Without having to edit all the objects in blender etc, is there a way I could make each object spawn at the correct height. I have tried adding them to an empty, but that doesnt work i think because of the spawn points, they are empties too so have their own location.
  2. Kurt-Dekker


    Mar 16, 2013
    Are you sure you did it properly? That is almost ALWAYS the easiest way to handle stuff like this, especially when you want to avoid mucking up your Blender files or FBX files.

    Steps to success for each item:

    - make an empty GameObject

    - drag your current art in as a child of that

    - adjust up down

    - drag the empty GameObject into Project to make a prefab

    - IMPORTANT: always use that Prefab from now on
    kittik likes this.