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Simplify (An Easier Way To Design)

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by davisj16usmc, Sep 8, 2015.


How much would you pay for this asset?

  1. $20

    0 vote(s)
  2. $25

    0 vote(s)
  3. $30

  4. $35 - $45

    0 vote(s)
  1. davisj16usmc


    Aug 21, 2015
    I'm working on a new asset pack for release in the asset store. Plans are to make it an all in one kit full of helpful scripts, shaders, prefabs, etc. Right now the plans are to start with a HUD system to include multiple types of waypoints, minimap cameras, objective systems (similar to waypoints but focused on a main objective due to the bigger styles of the prefabs), inventory, health bars, and more. Everything is going to be universal, and interchangeable in theory. I'm also planning on throwing in a universal scene manager as well that will take care of a Third Person Camera Follow, Player Stats, Dealing Damage, Playing Sounds, handling animations (whether through the Animation or the Animator classes won't matter), and even will manage the HUD leaving developers and/or designers more time to focus on their specific goals instead of starting from scratch or tweaking code, prefabs, and materials to flow with their game better. I have plans for an all in one kit that will just overall make game creation as simple as possible; especially for those who don't know how to code very well. I have some questions for the community since after all, you as developers, designers, and artists are my potential customers.

    1. - The package is planned to sell at $20 - $25; what would capture YOUR attention to buy my package for $25?

    2. - What other types of features should I add? What types of features would you like to see implemented?

    3. - What kinds of shapes would look interesting to you as a health or loading bar? So far I've created quite a few and plan to keep going (already created: triangle, full circle, half circle, traditional rectangle (horizontal and vertical orientation), cube edges). Untitled3.jpg Untitled4.jpg

    I'm also including a poll with this thread to see what you are willing to pay for an asset of this nature. Keep in mind it is not complete and will have more features than are currently listed.
  2. davisj16usmc


    Aug 21, 2015
    Got the Universal Scene Manager up and running; it's still got a few bugs that need to be worked out and some of the layout needs to be re-done for visual purposes, but it's working none the less. Here are some screens of the inspector view.

    The camera follow settings will establish how the camera functions in the scene. The camera can be either first or third person; as a third person camera you have the options for where the camera should be, and how it should behave. The shoulder options will place the camera over the left or right shoulder, the shouldered option will allow the player to swap shoulders based on their preference. I've also included peek and snap functionality. Peeking is smoothed out and only rotates on the Y axis. Snap functionality will follow the player around, but will not stay behind the player; when the player presses the snap button the camera will snap behind the player.


    The player section of the Universal Scene Manager is pretty straight forward; it maintains vital data for the HUD and even some data for sending and receiving damage. The multipliers range from 1 to 100 and the code behind it will allow you to use money, upgrade your strength and defense, as well as use health packs and apply damage.


    The HUD portion is also straight forward for the moment only requiring a few variables to operate. The move with player option will (when set to true) set the HUD based around the player in world space instead of a static approach.


    The animation section for the time being only handles an animator controller; but will handle the Animation and AnimationClip classes soon. As you can see it only requires the AC and CC. The animation section will handle the basic animations for all games; hurt, death, two attacks, a custom animation, a defense animation, as well as equip and unequip.

    The sound section is also included in the screenshot; it will also handle the basic sounds for all games. It is used by the animation and player sections respectively to apply the sound effects provided, when needed.


    Finally the input section; this section is incomplete at the moment, however what you're looking at below is how the USM recognizes each form of input required for animation. It will eventually be coded to receive input without input editor having the values provided. It will use enumerables to tell which input to check for. Text will only be used for computer input unless someone here tells me they'd prefer the enumerables for computer as well.

  3. davisj16usmc


    Aug 21, 2015
    Just did some gameplay tests and here are a few screens! It's not much yet; still have a good amount of work left to do but it's working! Also decided to throw a day and night cycle into the mix as well. :)

    Test1.jpg Test2.jpg Test3.jpg