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Shaders vs Materials

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by MoistDumpling14, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. MoistDumpling14


    Sep 8, 2018
    Hey everyone, I wanted some easy clarification on what the difference between a shader and a material is. I believe from what I have read on the documentation, a material is the actual pixels on an object and a shader is a small script that determines how those pixels react to the light. Are shaders just automatically run in Unity whenever you drag a material on an object?
  2. Materials have the settings called "shader", so if you choose a material, you choose a shader. You can find it right on the top, under the name of the material.


    Material is a bunch of parameters (colors, numbers, images and maps /which are also images/) together. Shader is the piece of code which applies these parameters on the thing you render on a way which is usually predetermined.
    samarth-robo and MoistDumpling14 like this.
  3. MoistDumpling14


    Sep 8, 2018
    Cool, so I noticed there are some other options you can choose for shaders in the properties window. What do those mean, does it just render the material differently?
  4. RTXRishu


    Feb 24, 2019
    @MoistDumpling14, your definition is actually pretty close.

    The material isn't what determines how the mesh's surface will look like; the shader is what does it.

    A material is just something that holds a shader, like an encapsulator. The shader's public variables are shown as parameters on the material.

    To apply a shader to a mesh, you must put it in a material and apply that material to the mesh, is all.