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Set download assets directory

Discussion in 'Linux' started by knobby67, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. knobby67


    Aug 30, 2015
    is there a way to set my 'master' assets director? I'd like to download to my Dropbox folder but can't seem to see a way to set the directory. Sorry if this is obvious!
  2. LukaKotar


    Sep 25, 2011
    Just move the directory to where you want it, and then link it back to the original location (middle click + drag, select 'link', or using the ln [from directory] [to directory] command in terminal.)

    Edit: The Asset Store packages are located in: ~/.local/share/unity3d/Asset Store-5.x (if you are unfamiliar with Linux, the '~' sign is a shortcut to the home directory).

    To change the Asset Store download path, you can follow these steps (make sure to edit the path to your liking):

    Through Terminal:
    1. Run mv '~/.local/share/unity3d/Asset Store-5.x' '~/Dropbox/Asset Store-5.x' This will move the Asset Store downloads directory into the Dropbox folder (under no sub-folders). Change the path as you please. (As a shortcut, you can drag a folder (or file) into the terminal window to append the file directory instead of writing it manually)
    2. Run ln '~/Dropbox/Asset Store-5.x' '~/.local/share/unity3d/Asset Store-5.x' This will create a symbolic link for the folder from your Dropbox back into the default location, so Unity will still see the folder as if it wasn't moved. Think of a link as an intelligent shortcut. (Use the same directories from the previous command, in opposite order.)
    Or Through File Manager:
    1. Open two file manager windows
    2. Open the directory where you want the Asset Store downloads to be, and press CTRL+L in the other one and type or paste in: ~/.local/share/unity3d, then press enter.
    3. Middle-click + drag the Asset Store-5.x folder into the other window, and select 'move'.
    4. Middle-click + drag the Asset Store-5.x you've just moved, and drag it into the other window (where it was before), but this time select 'link'. (Think of a symbolic link as an intelligent shortcut.)
    I am uncertain if the link will get updated if you move the folder in your Dropbox, but in case you want to move it, you can always create a new link. Edit: if you move or rename the target folder, you will have to remove the previous link, and create a new one. (You can freely move or rename the link, however in this case it needs to keep the name and location of the folder you've moved.) To remove a file through terminal, use the rm [file location] command.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
    Evolve3721 and knobby67 like this.
  3. knobby67


    Aug 30, 2015
    Thanks I was hoping it would just be a menu/properies item I'd missed :s
  4. zeropointblack


    Jun 8, 2020
    a more idiotic place for their default location could not exist.
    Murphy219 likes this.
  5. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    Now that I know where they are downloaded, I move them manually but it would be best if we would be asked where we want the assets packages to be downloaded in the first place.
  6. Poly_Count


    Feb 24, 2018
    What a pain in the ace
  7. Poly_Count


    Feb 24, 2018
    Store takes tons of space , one would think there would be an option for selecting directory by default.
    Why in the world would they hide it in "hidden" files, and they dont let you browse your downloaded assets in package manager when offline. kinda lame.