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[RELEASED] UTNotifications - Professional Cross Platform Push Notifications and More

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Yuriy-Ivanov, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. maxi_sn


    Oct 18, 2018
    Hi Yuriy, thanks for your answer.
    Yep, that patch fixes the problem.

  2. maxi_sn


    Oct 18, 2018
    I still have a problem, there is an exception on the line 212 in AndroidManifestManager.cs:
    Code (csharp):
    2. ArgumentException: The namespace declaration attribute has an incorrect 'namespaceURI': ''.
    3. System.Xml.XmlDocument.AddAttrXmlName (System.String prefix, System.String localName, System.String namespaceURI, System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo) (at <7fd195060d8c41448694ab221d3b56ca>:0)
    4. System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateAttribute (System.String prefix, System.String localName, System.String namespaceURI) (at <7fd195060d8c41448694ab221d3b56ca>:0)
    5. System.Xml.XmlElement.SetAttribute (System.String localName, System.String namespaceURI, System.String value) (at <7fd195060d8c41448694ab221d3b56ca>:0)
    6. UTNotifications.AndroidManifestManager.UpdateAmazonDeviceMessaging (System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlDocument, System.Xml.XmlElement manifestNode, System.Xml.XmlNode applicationNode, System.String ns) (at Assets/UTNotifications/Src/Android/AndroidManifestManager.cs:212)
    7. UTNotifications.AndroidManifestManager.Update () (at Assets/UTNotifications/Src/Android/AndroidManifestManager.cs:69)
    8. UTNotifications.Settings.CheckAndroidManifest () (at Assets/UTNotifications/Src/Settings.cs:996)
    9. UTNotifications.Settings.CheckAndroidPlugin () (at Assets/UTNotifications/Src/Settings.cs:970)
    10. UTNotifications.Settings+SettingsHelper.Update () (at Assets/UTNotifications/Src/Settings.cs:916)
    11. UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/EditorApplication.cs:200)
    This error is thrown several times per second, and I have no idea what could be causing it.

  3. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @maxi_sn ,

    Please see

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  4. avive_jellybtn


    Jul 24, 2016

    First, thank you guys for this great asset, it's really useful.
    Second, I've been running into some issue with my AndroidManifest that I believe is caused by UTNotifications but was unable to fully understand the issue.
    I have a single project from which I export 2 separate APKs with 2 different bundleIdentifiers (one for prod and one for dev). For some reason we are unable to to install both the prod and dev app on the same device.
    The error we receive is as follows:
    Code (CSharp):
    1. 01-21 09:08:42.022: W/PackageManager(5097): Package attempting to redeclare permission already owned by
    We are not using push notifications, hence these are disabled in the settings file.
    I looked up AndroidManifestManager class and found out the following piece of code @ line 190:
    Code (CSharp):
    2.             if (Settings.Instance.PushNotificationsEnabledFirebase)
    3.             {
    4.                 XmlElement permission = XmlUtils.UpdateOrCreateElement(xmlDocument, manifestNode, "permission", "name", ns, ApplicationIdentifier() + ".permission.C2D_MESSAGE", comment);
    5.                 permission.SetAttribute("protectionLevel", ns, "signature");
    6.                 XmlUtils.UpdateOrCreateElement(xmlDocument, manifestNode, "uses-permission", "name", ns, ApplicationIdentifier() + ".permission.C2D_MESSAGE");
    7.                 XmlUtils.UpdateOrCreateElement(xmlDocument, manifestNode, "uses-permission", "name", ns, "");
    8.             }
    9.             else
    10.             {
    11.                 XmlUtils.RemoveElement(xmlDocument, manifestNode, "permission", "name", ns, ApplicationIdentifier() + ".permission.C2D_MESSAGE", comment);
    12.                 XmlUtils.RemoveElement(xmlDocument, manifestNode, "uses-permission", "name", ns, ApplicationIdentifier() + ".permission.C2D_MESSAGE");
    13.                 XmlUtils.RemoveElement(xmlDocument, manifestNode, "uses-permission", "name", ns, "");
    14.             }
    As expected, the lines mentioning C2D_MESSAGE permission are really not part of our AndroidManifest at Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml
    but when decompiling the final APK I find the following lines:
    Code (CSharp):
    2.     <permission android:name="" android:protectionLevel="signature"/>
    3.     <uses-permission android:name=""/>
    I'm not sure as for why the final manifest still holds information regarding our dev app.
    I tried to call AndroidManifestManager.Update() manually when switching deployments but it did not help.
    Any idea what the issue could be?

  5. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi Aviv,

    Thank you for such a detailed description, indeed it seems like some issue with our manifest patcher caused by the changing bundle id in your Unity project. Is it possible that you create an as simple as possible Unity project, containing UTNotifications and maybe your build script, if you're doing it with a script instead of Unity build dialog, and send us to supplied with repro steps?
    I'd be really grateful, and so we could fix that issue ASAP.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.


    Feb 12, 2019
    i have error when import UTNotifications
    UnityException: Creating asset at path Assets/UTNotifications\Resources\UTNotificationsSettings.asset failed.
    UTNotifications.Settings.Update () (at Assets/UTNotifications/Src/Settings.cs:870)
    UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/EditorApplication.cs:200)
  7. roseportalgames


    Aug 9, 2017
    Good morning,

    I'm in the process of installing a system for Push Notifications. I've purchased the asset UTNotifications and it has recommended that I install uniqush-push on my VPS.

    However, when I run uniqush-push on my Console, the Console stops doing anything else until I hit Ctrl+Z. While uniqush-push is running, the notifications work. But after I exit the process, the notifications stop working.

    That makes me wonder, how the heck am I supposed to still use my server if I want to use it for notifications?

    Are you supposed to have some kind of dedicated cloud server that is constantly running uniqush-push?

    Also, you're supposed to run curl http://ip.address:port/addpsp ... to add a provider to the uniqush-push service, BUT, how can I do that while uniqush-push is running if it keeps my server busy and I cannot type anything anymore?

    I'm totally lost here. Please advise.
  8. Mathijs333


    May 20, 2014

    I've upgrade to Unity 2018.3.5f1 and now running into issues.

    1. Amazon fills up my console with xml errors (just commented out this one to solve it)
    2. The android resolver is starting over and over again. Even when hitting the play button in the editor.
    --> I can't get this one resolved and disabling auto-resolve is not the one I would like to go for.

    I've seen similar issues at this forum. Could you provide us with an update?



    Feb 12, 2019
    I have a problem, there is no UTNotifications in Project Setting. No error logging
  10. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @unity_IxkyiOSlt6QkhA,

    Please make sure nothing in your system (like file permissions) prevents Unity editor to create files and folders under your project's Assets/UTNotifications.

    Recent versions of unity renamed their initial Project Settings point submenu to a single item called "Project Settings...". UTNotifications still use the old one. Please see the attached screenshot.


    Not having this point can mean only one thing: UTNotifications Editor scripts were not imported in your project for any reason: either you imported the asset incompletely or there was some compilation error.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  11. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @roseportalgames ,

    First of all, thank you for using our asset.
    Some points on your questions:
    1. Uniqush is just an example of a push notifications server, feel free to use any technology, library or a service you like.
    2. Sample scene is not designed to be used with Uniqush. It's designed to be used with DemoServer supplied with the asset. Sample scene, as well as the sample script and DemoServer are not something you'll be using in your own project: it's just a sample. Every push notifications service has its own API, it's up to you to interact with it. UTNotifications provide you all data you need for it. Please also see the manual for more details.
    3. I suggest you to learn a little on Linux processes and services (please note that different Linux distributions use different services management systems, such as SysV, systemd and upstart - so please check what's used by your server). It's easy to run multiple long-living processes even when you log out. You might also take a look at Docker and containers management systems like Kubernetes.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  12. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @mathijs,

    1. Please see
    2. I need more details regarding that Google Play Services Resolver issue. Are there any errors with it (displayed as a dialog or in Unity Console)? Are there any specific steps to reproduce the issue?

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  13. Gulliver


    Jan 8, 2013
    Hello Yuriy

    About this exception:

    Code (CSharp):
    1. DirectoryNotFoundException: Destination directory not found: /Users/viacheslavklimov/Desktop/Unity/WOG/Assets/Plugins/Android
    2. System.IO.File.Copy (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName, System.Boolean overwrite) (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
    3. System.IO.File.Copy (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
    4. UTNotifications.AndroidManifestManager.Update () (at Assets/UTNotifications/Src/Android/AndroidManifestManager.cs:41)
    5. UTNotifications.Settings.Save () (at Assets/UTNotifications/Src/Settings.cs:684)
    Our project has a configuration script what removes all unused folders for the current platform.
    For example with switching to iOS -- it moves Plugins/Android folder to backup.
    But as you can see -- UTNotification script throws the exception if I try to enable notifications for iOS (!).

    I can't understand for which purpose need to call AndroidManifestManager.Update() with enabling notifications for iOS, but you could at last handle this exception in the AndroidManifestManager.cs line 41 by replacing File.Copy() with

    Code (CSharp):
    1.                 try{
    2.                     File.Copy(defaultManifest, manifestFile);
    3.                 }
    4.                 catch( Exception e ){
    5.                     Debug.LogError    ( "Failed to copy: "+defaultManifest+" => "+manifestFile );
    6.                     Debug.LogError    ( e.ToString() );
    7.                     return;
    8.                 }
    Please fix it. Thanks
  14. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @Gulliver ,

    The reason to handle AndroidManifest.xml entries when other platforms are enabled is to be able to configure all UTNotifications settings in Unity Editor, regardless whatever platform is currently enabled.
    Feel free to have this try/catch, but let me also assure you that your script is doing what's not required: Unity ignores Assets/Plugins/<Inactive Platform> folders, so it's absolutely unnecessary to move anything from such special folders.

    See also:

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  15. ccvannorman


    Jan 20, 2013
    Hi Yuriy,

    Scheduling a (recurring) notification on Android doesn't seem to work. I followed the method from and here is my code:
    firstTriggerInSeconds: triggerCountdownSeconds,
    intervalSeconds: notificationIntervalSeconds,
    title: "CAT quiz reminder",
    text: "It's time to take your CAT disease assessment quiz again! You set this notification as a reminder.",
    id: 0,
    userData: null,
    badgeNumber: -1,
    buttons:null); ```

    Have I done something wrong?

  16. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @ccvannorman ,

    1. Please make sure you had called UTNotifications.Manager.Instance.Initialize beforehand. Please also make sure it returns true (please let me know otherwise, I'll ask you for some more details to see why exactly it could fail).
    2. With default settings, no notifications are shown while the app is running in foreground. Either close/minimize it (but don't force-stop!), or change it in UTNotifications Settings in Unity: Edit -> Project Settings -> UTNotifications -> Android -> Show Notifications.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  17. fjlafarga


    Jun 24, 2015
    Hi yuriy
    I have a problem with plugin, i cant use scheduled notification in android.
    Log cat said:
    Java.lang.nullpointerexception. Athemp to invoke virtual method “int java.lang.string.lenght”
    I am using unity 18.3
    Thank you
  18. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @fjlafarga,

    I'll need some more context to understand what's going on:
    1. How do you initialize UTNotifications.Manager (piece of code)?
    2. How do you schedule a local notification (piece of code)?
    3. What's the version of Android in the target device?

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2019
  19. GiorgioAmatteis


    Feb 3, 2018
    Goodmorning everyone!
    I have a problem (and a question) about the use of large images in notifications, I followed the manual and came to write this code, but they do not work as they should (everything works perfectly, but does not show the image).
    Can you tell me where I'm wrong?

    Dictionary <string, string> userData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    userData.Add("image_url", "");
    UTNotifications.Manager.Instance.ScheduleNotification(value, "IMAGE", "Test image", 8, userData);

    Finally a question, is it possible to insert a background similar to the one HomeScapes uses? (I leave you an image to make you understand what I mean:
    I read this article ( ) about it, can you advise me what to change?
  20. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @GiorgioAmatteis,

    1. Use instead of http. It's important, as Android 9 now by default requires secure connections, if not configured otherwise.
    Please also note, that an image notification can be collapsed by default, if there is not enough empty space in the notification panel. In that case you have to expand it (by pressing on its application name) to see the image:

    2. Modify Assets/UTNotifications/Editor/Android/NativePluginSource/utnotifications/src/main/java/universal/tools/notifications,
    Code (CSharp):
    1. private static buildNotification(final Context context, final UTNotification notification, final Bitmap bitmap)
    and then build and deploy the native plugin.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2019
  21. GiorgioAmatteis


    Feb 3, 2018
    Thank you very much Yuriy, always kind and professional!
    I solved the first problem, now I try to solve the second, thanks a lot for the precious indications! :)
  22. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Glad to help!
  23. myroslav-appreal


    Mar 27, 2019
    Hi! Please send me the patch. All of my emoji are broken.
  24. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Can you maybe wait a couple more weeks, as we hope to have released 1.8 by then? It includes some emojis-related and other fixes to make the asset work correctly with latest versions of Android SDK, Unity and mobileye OSes.
    It also automates Android notification grouping functionality, and adds some other new features.

    As unfortunately I don't have that patch right now, I can build it again, but it'll take some time.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  25. trias_lazuardi


    Feb 1, 2018
    i purchased your plugin and i try

    void Start () {

    public void ClickNotif(){
    UTNotifications.Manager.Instance.ScheduleNotification(150,"Hello","Come on Play",1,null,"first_not");
    UTNotifications.Manager.Instance.ScheduleNotification(10,"Hello2","Come on Play 2",2,null,"first_not");
    label.text="notif create";
    they're not working
  26. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @trias_lazuardi ,

    I'll be glad to help you resolve that issue, but I'll need some more details to know what exactly went wrong:
    1. What is the version of Unity you're building on?
    2. What is the target platform you're testing on, and what version is it?
    3. What is the target device you're testing on?
    4. What does UTNotifications.Manager.Instance.Initialize return, true or false?
    5. Do you minimize/close the application after scheduling the notifications, but before they fire, and if yes, then how exactly do you do it?
    6. If it's Android, please send me a list of all files and folders in your Assets/Plugins/Android folder.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  27. trias_lazuardi


    Feb 1, 2018

    1. unity 2018.1.0b13 and UTNotification version
    2. android
    3. mi note2 android version 8.0
    4. false
    5 first I don't close the application and wait until 10 - 150 seconds and nothing happened
    the seconds i close the application and same wait until 10 -150 seconds and nothing happened too. in setting android i choose when_closed_or_in_background.
    6. - AndroidManifest
    - ShortcutBadger-1.1.5
    - utnotification

    please help me. Thank you. sorry for my bad language
  28. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Required Android libraries are missing in your project. Please make sure Play Services Resolver auto-resolution is enabled in its settings. You can also do force-resolution to check if there will be any errors: Assets -> Play Services Resolver -> Android Resolver -> Force Resolve.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  29. richardau-glu


    Apr 14, 2017
    Hi Yuriy, We've been using UTNotifications for a while now and it's worked really well! Recently however, we no longer receive FCM notifications when the app is closed or backgrounded. One possible cause is that we also moved from Fabric Crashlytics to Firebase Crashlytics. This change pulled in a number of play-services dependencies and updates - for example play-services 16.0.1+ (up from 15.0.1), a few firebase-packages (but not messaging). Any idea what the solution may be?
  30. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @richardau-glu ,

    There are a couple known issues that I suspect here:
    1. (most likely the case) Starting from some more or less recent version of Unity (I'm not sure which really, but it's definitely there in 2018.3), Unity changed behaviour of their Android main Activity: for some reason the activity keeps existing even after the app is closed. So if your setting for Android / Show Notifications is either WHEN_CLOSED_OR_IN_BACKGROUND (default) or WHEN_CLOSED, then UTNotifications 1.7.4 fails to detect that the app is no longer running so it skips the received notification. It's already fixed in 1.8 and will be released soon (btw, a similar issue with Universal Windows Platform builds caused by other changes in Unity is also fixed in 1.8). You can check whether it's really your issue by switching that option to ALWAYS - it will start working again then.
    2. .aar libraries incompatibility can indeed be an issue, but in that case you won't be able receive notifications even if the app is running (again, can be checked with ALWAYS enabled). In that case you can modify the versions used by UTNotifications in the "advanced" section in UTNotifications settings in Unity to match the versions used by 3rd party assets.

    In general, sorry for not releasing the update for a while already: unfortunately both Unity and Google keep releasing non-backward-compatible updates all the time we're working on fixing existing issues. It's very annoying, but it seems there will never be a moment when a next update of Unity, Android SDK or FCM (or even 3rd party assets) won't break something - so unless you completely stop updating Unity and all the libraries, these things will keep happening.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  31. richardau-glu


    Apr 14, 2017
    Hi Yuriy, thank you for the detailed and insightful response. I tried setting Android/Show Notifications to ALWAYS, but that didn't seem to have any effect. I noticed that in doing so, I only saw a change to
    Assets/UTNotifications/Resources/UTNotificationsSettings.asset. Should I expect changes to the AndroidManifest file as well? I may just wait for UTN 1.8 since this isn't a critical problem for us yet.
  32. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @richardau-glu ,

    > Should I expect changes to the AndroidManifest file as well?
    No, only UTNotificationsSettings.asset modifications are as expected.

    May I ask you some more details to make sure 1.8 really solves the problem or it's something else?
    First of all, can you post a complete FCM json payload as sent to FCM servers?
    Second, can you please tell me specific Android device models you're testing it on, as there is a number of low-end Android devices that force-kill any non-whitelisted applications (such as preinstalled applications and popular messengers) on closing all their Android Activities, which prevents them from executing any code in background, including handling push and local notifications - it's done to save power due their very limited accumulators capacity.
    Third, please send me a list of all files and folders in your Assets/Plugins/Android.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  33. richardau-glu


    Apr 14, 2017
    Hi Yuriy, Unfortunately I can't do this as we're triggering the notifications from a 3rd party dashboard. All I can say is that we used to be able to receive notifications when the app was backgrounded, and this broke as we updated various Android SDKs. We could try to back out those changes one at a time to uncover the culprit if this issue were a higher priority. As for devices, I'm testing on a Pixel 3 XL and we've also seen the issue on various Samsungs. Most of our testing is on relatively high end devices. Finally, I'm unable to upload files but I can probably share a listing of 3rd party AARs if there's a way for me to send that to you directly.
  34. jun_t_sf


    Jun 14, 2017
    Hello, Yuriy.

    My company interested in your asset. Our dev team want to buy it immediately, but there're few questions about license that my senior want to confirm it before doing any proceed.

    *I can't say the exactly number/details due to to company's rule. So let's assume that our dev team has 5 members.
    *"Everyone" below means "everyone in same organization & same project"

    - Everyone using their own unity plus/pro license account.
    - Boss is an owner of our organization in unity (
    ..--> Everyone is a member of an organization

    • 1.1 If we buy your asset with boss's account ONLY. Can everyone use your asset without worrying about license?
    • 1.2 Or do we need to buy it for everyone? (In this case, 5 purchases)
    • 2.1 (This one is from my senior experience) Since you have an editor extension feature within your asset. If we purchase your asset with boss's account, can everyone use editor extension feature for free?
    • 2.2 If only 2 members using editor extension, do we need to buy 2 license?
    • 2.3 Or must buy a license for everyone? (In this case, 5 purchases)

    From my senior exp, so that I ask you a question 2.
    Now I'm confusing about unity asset license. Please answer the question below if possible. (It's not your asset, but if you know something about it, would you mind tell me?)
    • 3.1 If asset is only editor extension. Do we need to buy it for everyone? (In this case, 5 purchases)
    • 3.2 If only 2 members using editor extension, do we need to buy 2 license?
    • 4.1 If asset is core program with editor extension (like your asset), Do we need to buy it for everyone? (In this case, 5 purchases)
    • 4.2 Or do I need to ask the asset's dev like this post?

    Thank you very much.

    *Sorry for bad English. I hope you can understand what I want to ask you.
  35. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Thanks for those details, as it seems that neither of my suggestions is your case in fact. I don't need your project of course, but if you could just create a small sample, containing only UTNotifications, a reproduction scene (of course without any FCM credentials - I'll use our test stuff instead) and reproduction instructions it would be helpful. But the first thing to do would be anyway to find out about the json payload format. If you can't contact your 3rd party service provider, you can probably tell me what it is, maybe I'll find a way to find it out.
    Also, I can probably send you a beta build of UTNotifications 1.8 so you could test whether it really fixes the issue or not.
    Regarding contacting directly - sure, actually email is the preferred channel of communication (as Unity Forum doesn't always notify in time about new messages). The email address is

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  36. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @jun_t_sf ,

    UTNotifications is a subject to the standard Unity Asset Store EULA, it's not an editor extension.

    > 1.1 If we buy your asset with boss's account ONLY. Can everyone use your asset without worrying about license?
    > 1.2 Or do we need to buy it for everyone? (In this case, 5 purchases)
    You can as long as all of you are located in the same office or working remotely as single developers using laptops provided and owned by your employer. It's a perpetual license that belongs to the whole company and office location.

    > 2.1 (This one is from my senior experience) Since you have an editor extension feature within your asset. If we purchase your asset with boss's account, can everyone use editor extension feature for free?
    Entire editor functionality, including configuration UI and a number of editor scripts is a part of the asset, anyone in your company/office location are free to use it.
    > 2.2 If only 2 members using editor extension, do we need to buy 2 license?
    > 2.3 Or must buy a license for everyone? (In this case, 5 purchases)
    Regardless how many people there are in your company/office location, 1 license is enough.

    > 3.1 If asset is only editor extension. Do we need to buy it for everyone? (In this case, 5 purchases)
    > 3.2 If only 2 members using editor extension, do we need to buy 2 license?
    > 4.1 If asset is core program with editor extension (like your asset), Do we need to buy it for everyone? (In this case, 5 purchases)
    It depends on a category of the asset in the asset store. Editor extensions require one license per seat (I'm not really sure if it should include people working with the code base but not using the extension, it's better to check it with appropriate assets developers/Unity Asset Store support). For most of the assets in other categories, you need one license per company and office location (i.e. 1000 people at a single office address need only 1 license for all, while 10 offices with 2 people in each will require 10 licenses). Please also note that some assets may have completely non-standard licenses, I believe they all state it clearly in their assets descriptions. It's not the case with either of our assets anyway, both are standard Unity assets.

    > 4.2 Or do I need to ask the asset's dev like this post?
    Sure, why not, if you want to be completely safe.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2019
  37. jun_t_sf


    Jun 14, 2017
    Thank you for your reply Yuriy.
    We bought your asset already.

    Now when we importing your asset, there're some sample files and sources.
    Actually, I think that these are not necessary for MAIN unity project. (not necessary for build)
    Below are folder that we want to remove. But to make sure so I ask you is it alright to remove it? (We didn't build for Windows Store App)
    1.1 Plugins/WSA
    1.2 If Plugins/WSA is necessary, can I remove Plugins/WSA/UTNotifications/Src ?
    2. UTNotifications/Editor/Android/NativePluginSource
    3.1 UTNotifications/Editor/Android/DemoServer
    3.2 If 3.1 is necessary, can I remove UTNotifications/Editor/Android/DemoServer/src
    4. UTNotifications/Src/WSA
    * Somehow I think that UTNotifications/Src is necessary since it has a post build process in this folder........... or not?
    * Of cause, all samples will be removed after applying with our project (to keep the project clean)

    Thank you very much.
  38. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @jun_t_sf ,

    Thank you for purchasing our asset!
    Of course it is safe to remove any folders for unneccessary-platforms, sample scene, Demo Server and native plugins' source code, such as:
    - Plugins/WSA
    - UTNotifications/Src/WSA
    - UTNotifications/Sample
    - UTNotifications/Editor/DemoServer
    - UTNotifications/Editor/NativePluginSource

    There is a post-build script in UTNotifications/Src/WSA indeed, but it's only invoked if you build for WSA/UWP, otherwise it's totally safe to remove. In the same time, it's safe to keep ALL of these folders, as none of their code or resources is included into your builds for other platforms (even whole the sample functionality and resources is only included if you referenced the sample scene in the list of project scenes). But if you prefer to delete those, feel free to.

    Please note though (just in case) that moving any of the files/folders of the asset anywhere will cause a number of issues unless you update appropriate paths in UTNotifications/Src/Settings.cs, but I'd recommend you against it: it's better (and easier for future updates) to keep all the remaining folders where they are. Moving PlayServicesResolver is not supported by it all, as having it located there is important for any PlayServicesResolver-featured assets to be able to work together in a single Unity project.
    Besides, I'd recommend you to delete the Sample and DemoServer only after you made sure your configuration is correct at Android and iOS (of course, if you intend to use push notifications, and not only local ones). The sample (coupled with DemoServer) is a handy tool for validating the configuration.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  39. jun_t_sf


    Jun 14, 2017
    Thank you very much Yuriy.

    Now I'm facing one problem...
    the play service resolver run every time I edit my code.
    All logs are same.
    I've looked at Plugins/Android every time this resolver run.
    All these files above are already 26.1.0. Nothing reverted to 25.3.1.
    * It cost too much time for resolving these every time I edit the code.

    How to solve this ?
    Rebooting the unity can't solve this.
    My project has admob, facebook sdk.
    Notes that "Enable Auto-Resolution" of p lay service resolver's setting is checked before import your asset.
  40. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @jun_t_sf,

    There is another asset in your project using different versions of Play Services Libraries. Resolving those every time is already fixed in UTNotifications 1.8, which will be released soon (it's currently in beta, but quite close to the release). Would you maybe like to try 1.8 beta now, and as soon as it's released, it will be a very easy update from Unity Asset Store?

    I'd suggest this option as 1.8 contains a significant number of fixes and improvements, alongside with some new features (unless you're releasing your project in less then 3-4 weeks of course).

    In general, for anybody who is interested in trying 1.8 now, please send your Asset Store purchase receipt to, and I'll send you the latest beta build with a changelog and updating recommendations, so you can decide whether it's worth trying now already.
    I'd really appreciate it, as it's a pretty large update, and we want to have it tested as much as possible and in as many environments and configurations as possible before releasing it. Sometimes it's hard to find all the possible side-effects of interacting with user and 3rd-party code and configs, and now it's the best time to make sure 1.8 doesn't cause any issues in your project and if it does we'll make sure to fix it before releasing the update.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  41. InspiredSquare


    Nov 16, 2015
    Hi Yuriy,
    When we received notification while app is open we show notification to user inside app.
    But after updating plugin to latest version the notification text is showing characters inside text like below.
    Notification sent Text: "a b c"
    Notification received Text: "a+b+c"

    Please note that notification works properly when shown in os notification bar.

  42. trias_lazuardi


    Feb 1, 2018
    i try and still notworking in android 7/8/9 but in android under 7 its working
  43. jun_t_sf


    Jun 14, 2017
    Thank you for your reply Yuriy.
    Since we have no time before release, so we decided to use the stable one (1.7.4).
    And play service resolver problem was solved by edit the setting asset at advanced option by removing "+" after 25.3.1.
  44. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    You're likely to be using incompatible version of Android Support library or Play Services Libs. Either update to UTNotifications 1.8 beta (by emailing your Asset Store receipt to, or make sure UTNotifications 1.7.4 - compatible versions are used.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  45. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Glad you sorted it out, I suggest to you to update to 1.8 after your release then (hopefully it'll be released in Asset Store by then) - so you can safely use the latest versions of all Android libraries.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  46. niaobudirtybit


    Jun 10, 2015
    I'm having issues after upgrading Unity from 2017.4 to 2018.4. I also upgraded UTNotifications from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4 in the same process.

    Building in XCode fails after it tries to copy Android icons. Here is the crash log:

    [13:13:31]: ▸ The following build commands failed:
    [13:13:31]: ▸ CopyPNGFile /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-ggrnzrjogigrpvgcfehhxpjgmdmn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Unity-iPhone/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/ /Users/user/.jenkins/workspace/buildfolder/ios/Libraries/Plugins/Android/UTNotificationsRes/res/drawable/__default_profile_large.png
    [13:13:31]: ▸ CopyPNGFile /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-ggrnzrjogigrpvgcfehhxpjgmdmn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Unity-iPhone/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/ /Users/user/.jenkins/workspace/buildfolder/ios/Libraries/Plugins/Android/UTNotificationsRes/res/drawable/__default_profile_android5plus.png
    [13:13:31]: ▸ CopyPNGFile /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-ggrnzrjogigrpvgcfehhxpjgmdmn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Unity-iPhone/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/ /Users/user/.jenkins/workspace/buildfolder/ios/Libraries/Plugins/Android/UTNotificationsRes/res/drawable/__default_profile.png

    I didn't change anything else in the build process. It still builds for Android just fine and the icons seem to work there. iOS builds used to work. Any ideas?
  47. UnityTest12345098


    Dec 19, 2016
    Is there any way to disable register for notif prompt in UT Notification . Now it shows up when the app starts!
  48. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    Hi @niaobudirtybit,

    It's due to a bug in a few latest versions of Unity: it treats folders in Assets/Plugins/Android/ as to be used in iOS including. The solution is simple: select Assets/Plugins/Android/UTNotificationsRes and in its options in Unity select only Android as a target platform. Alternatively, you can send your UTNotifications Asset Store purchase receipt to and I'll send you UTNotifications 1.8 beta, that automatically makes sure that setting is correct, besides in include a large number of other changes in order to work correctly with latest versions of Unity and Android SDK.

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
    niaobudirtybit likes this.
  49. Yuriy-Ivanov


    Jun 12, 2015
    That dialog is shown in iOS when you call UTNotifications.Manager.Instance.Initialize. So feel free to call it only when you're ready to show that dialog but not until then (note that until that and until the user approves notifications permissions for your app, no notifications functionality is available).

    Best regards,
    Yuriy, Universal Tools team.
  50. AkhmedAbasov


    Mar 13, 2014
    Ok, I set up FCM, how do I get the message now? Where are the code examples? (in the manual only setting)