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Reflection probes spreading light through walls

Discussion in 'Global Illumination' started by dl290485, Oct 23, 2019.

  1. dl290485


    Feb 4, 2018
    What can be done about a reflection probe making places which should be shadowed appear bright?

    In my scene I have a room with an odd wall shape. It's nearly rectangular, but has 45 degree angle cutting in to the room on part of one wall. This means I can't neatly place the reflection probe in the room without it's bounds going through this angled wall, and so affecting the next room over.

    I haven't done the lighting in the other room yet, so it should be pitch black pretty much. But the reflection probe creates a light patch which you can clearly see the boundary with.

    So what can I do about it? If I pull the reflection inside the angled wall, it misses heaps of the wall that's straight, and so the reflection on a big glass door nearby has a weird warped edge when using Box projection. am I supposed to use multiple probes in one room to piece by piece fit the shape? If that's the case, what would I do if the room was round?
  2. dl290485


    Feb 4, 2018
    OK so I can't just place probes at different angles to meet the wall, because seemingly you can't rotate the box for the probe?

    Also, the weird warping I have doesn't seem to be anything to do with how far out the bounds are. So maybe I can have it pulled inside this wall I don't want light to bleed through, but now I have a new problem with why the reflection looks weird. I have attached a screenshot below. If you look at the bottom right of the reflection you will see it looks like the tiles are going up on a 45 degree angle. If you look on the left of the reflection, you will see a chair which has the correct orientation.
  3. kristijonas_unity


    Unity Technologies

    Feb 8, 2018
    There are couple of ways you could try and circumvent this issue:
    • Establish a clean reflection probe hierarchy, with a single probe encompassing the entire level, smaller probes covering the rooms, and smaller radius probes covering reflective objects of importance
    • You can try covering the unwanted reflection probe contribution by placing another reflection probe in the problem area and increasing its importance value in the inspector
    • If you are using HDRP, you have more options on how to author reflection probes (fade by face, by normals, direction, etc.)
    • Lastly, make sure to use screen space reflections if you project allows for it. This should help with filling in the gaps where reflection probe technique fails
  4. dl290485


    Feb 4, 2018
    Thanks for the tips.