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Reflecting on Unity's Trustworthiness and Decision-Making in 2024

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SprayNpraY, May 10, 2024.

  1. CarlosAI


    May 9, 2023
    Yeah, this may happen. However, if unity really do that, they will lose a large number of users. I don't think they will gain more money by doing so.
  2. SprayNpraY


    Oct 2, 2014
    It was an analogy was exaggerated for comedic purposes which came across as serious, but with that said some businesses have built their entire income including supporting their staff around unity so maybe to you it is to some it's their families,friends and staff livelihood, I myself spent years learning this platform and programming around it so a lot of wasted time, so just to state its just a business I heavily disagree with.

    No you can't but how much more likely are they to when they have already cheated?

    Personally don't see the point in this when there are other engines faster for prototyping or you can practise in an engine that can lead to a pro project.

    I dont mind so much about them charging more its the fact for me personally they sprung fees out of nowhere for existing games but even worse for me is the level of complete incompetence in making charges that would have completely killed the F2P model.

    This to me demonstrates not only do they not care about their users but have people who don't know what they're doing making key decisions.

    Unless they completely change the people in these positions and change their licenses so these types of changes can never come out of nowhere like this again I for one are never giving them a second chance.

    Which is a real shame as I really like the engine and have purchased a lot of assets for it.
    MadeFromPolygons and Ryiah like this.
  3. Ryiah


    Oct 11, 2012
    You can migrate most assets to other engines. It's only the ones that are code-based that are difficult.
    SprayNpraY and MadeFromPolygons like this.
  4. MadeFromPolygons


    Oct 5, 2013
    Main reason I have stayed away from tools etc on the asset store, my library is almost exclusively 3D and 2D assets and even those I only use primarily for prototyping purposes
    Ryiah likes this.
  5. Murgilod


    Nov 12, 2013
    I can't, but for a much more mundane reason: eventually every platform but PC, especially mobile, will start requiring things that they just won't backport to older engine/package versions. From console to mobile to Vision to whatever, they can keep people on the path to the new license just by marshalling features/the ability to properly function at all.

    This isn't me presenting this as some grand conspiracy of "Unity will make the old product worse" but simply "Unity can take the path of least resistance to get what they want."
  6. KRGraphics


    Jan 5, 2010
    I've been a Unity user since Unity 3 and it has come a long way since then. I'm primarily a character artist and in the last few years with the newer tools, I've been able to push the visual quality of my designs with the new pipelines (I'll get to what I don't like in a moment) in ways I've never been able to.

    With assets like Amplify Shader Editor, I can easily make custom shaders and quickly improve them (I tried Shader Graph and the UI makes my head hurt) and also the great asset makers have made me stay on.

    Now what has bothered me over the years about Unity (the engine is great for what I do with it) is the bone headed decisions in regards to new features that are either unfinished or abandoned, chasing the dragon that you will never catch, leadership that doesn't have the LOVE OF GAMING at heart, and lastly alienating your entire user base with underhanded tactics (runtime fee) and haphazard releases.

    I'm still kinda pissed off that you don't have a lighting engine for global illumination built-in and all that money spent on tools that would be useless and inaccessible to 90% of users, could have been use to develop your own in house solutions like Lumen and Nanite. Or you could have paid for enlighten. Who knows? I honestly miss using Beast Light mapping.

    Want to get back on the map? Make a unity 6 demo with out of the box solutions, no 4D scanning, no mods. Straight out of the engine
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2024 at 5:29 PM
  7. Unifikation


    Jan 4, 2023
    It feels like they've been doing this, and leaning on this, for years.
  8. Frienbert


    Nov 14, 2012
    Unity started going down hill once it stopped focusing on "democratizing game development" and got infected with the going public bug. Their goal is to squeeze as much money out of the rock to make their stocks go higher. (All their attempts have only made their stocks go lower though) Even if it makes their product worse or user unfriendly. Good luck trying to get useful features/tools added to the engine for free. They will make it a package you can add for a subscription fee.
    marcoantap, impheris and KRGraphics like this.
  9. KRGraphics


    Jan 5, 2010
    It's starting to look like Blender at this point...
  10. Gekigengar


    Jan 20, 2013
    What's wrong with Blender?
    KRGraphics and SunnySunshine like this.
  11. KRGraphics


    Jan 5, 2010
    Not knocking it or anything. Just all of these plugins and a difficult choice to pick the best one for your workflow
    Unifikation likes this.