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Project 4 Speed Issue

Discussion in 'Community Learning & Teaching' started by White_Diamond, May 13, 2024.

  1. White_Diamond


    Jan 21, 2022
    Hi there, I have been trying to learn Unity using the official tutorials, and so far its going well. There has been a small problem though, however, that has recently hindered me from continuing. I'm sure this has an easy solution, but I have been unsuccessful in finding the answer myself. Currently I am working on Lesson 4.2. In case you don't remember, its the sumo project. Anyways, just to follow along to the tutorials well, I always use the same variable values as the instructor and only play with them after the project. In this project, the instructor sets the players speed to 5.0f and the enemy speed to 3.0f. I notice that when he plays the game, his characters are moving at a good speed, where as mine (with the same code), move INCREDIBLY FAST. I was thinking maybe this has to do with units? For example, maybe his 5.0f is 5 inches per second, whereas mine might be feet per second. If anyone has any advice for fixing this, I would really appreciate the help. Thank you Unity community!