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Feature Request macOS and close window popup, Discard button

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by Lorrak, May 19, 2024.

  1. Lorrak


    Sep 17, 2019
    There is no way to use key shortcut to press Discard button, on popup then trying to close Shader Graph tab.
    Pressing Enter it uses Save button, and with macOS apps pressing Cmd+D would press Discard/Delete option. (Cmd+R would be for Replace)

    And if you wanna close multiple tabs it gets annoying, cuz firstly Shader Graph does its thing, you can change no values, but some will change automatically, so you need to save it or cancel it, there is no quick way..
    so if trying to check/test Shader Graph sample examples tabs stacks pretty quickly..

    native shortcuts doesn't work, so you have to move mice to close Shader tab, move mice to Discard, again and again..
    Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 13.50.00.png
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
  2. Lorrak


    Sep 17, 2019