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Bug [Linux] Unity Search seems to (eventually) be eating lowercase 'e' key input

Discussion in 'Editor Workflows' started by MostHated, Feb 4, 2024.

  1. MostHated


    Nov 29, 2015
    (Linux Editor: current version 2022.3.19f1 - may prior)

    For some reason, after having the Search window opened, at some point, it ends up no longer accepting the lowercase 'e' key. Not right away, though, so I am not sure if it is just time, or something I do within the search window to cause this to start, but eventually, if I am in the window long enough, it will always happen.

    The thing that throws me off, though, is it persists after the window is closed. 'e' will no longer work in any input box in Unity until I close and reopen.

    It doesn't seem to matter what project I am using, but so far, it only occurs after having used the Search window, no other time.

    Holding shift to produce a capital 'E' works fine, but not lowercase. This had been happening to me throughout many versions of the editor. I know for sure all throughout the 2022.x cycle, but if I am not mistaken, it was prior versions as well, when it was known as QuickSearch. I didn't bother putting in a ticket or mentioning it at the time, as I was using Pop_OS, and as such, most of my tickets were simply closed straight away due to being 'unsupported'. I have since switched to Ubuntu, in hopes that this might no longer be the case. I figured I would try here first.

    I have prepared a demonstration of this behavior below:

    --- Edit
    I only see key up events from the lowercase 'e' key as well. If I hold shift, I see keydown and keyup, but with lower 'e' it is only key up.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
  2. MostHated


    Nov 29, 2015
    I have noticed that the default "Selection" key when you right-click on a search result is the E keycode. I am wondering if perhaps selecting the "Select" item is causing the 'e' key input event to become blocked somehow. I am going to have to try and experiment with it.