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Feedback Innovating twist to haunted house genre? (& still take place in a (single player) haunted house)?

Discussion in 'Game Design' started by unitedone3D, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. unitedone3D


    Jul 29, 2017
    Hi there! TL DR: Pretty much the (title/thread) question.

    What would be an innovating idea / twist / design...on the old haunted house or castle mansion survival horror genre...that you comes to your mind (while still staying/taking place in the haunted house/ a single-player game)? When we look at games with the haunted house trope/genre/theme...we see ''House of The Dead'' the arcade on rail zombie shooting game; Alone in the a mansion; ''Resident Evil''...res 1 was in mansion, res 2 was in police station, res 3, was a mixture of raccoon city + police + mansion...res 4 was in europe, res 8/village, res 7 was a fps in a haunted house (and not TPS fixed camera angles). Fatal Frame was a 'snap photo of ghost' game in japanese haunted castle...res 8 was in a isolated goth rural village, silent hill 1 was in a village town; silent hill: The Room...was all inside... a single room; Outlast was in an asylum/ sanatorium; Dead Space is in a derelict space ship with aliens.. Dino a resident evil with dinosaurs; Onimusha is a resident evil literally taking place in feudal Japan; etc....they are all are doing the haunted house old genre...but with a twist/like a new place/setting. ''Like xyz game/genre....but with abc new idea/twist''. Inspired but put a new twist on old idea to freshen it. In have the 'cabin', 'evil dead' and '13 ghosts'...they all try to spin it around.. (the cabin and the game 'Dark' is the most intriguing one, because it's like a procedural mansion..that rooms 'change place/position each time, making a fresh experience each time your replay it). You also have the 4-player 'co-op' craze right now, such as 'Demonologist' and that Ghost game/...'Phasmophobia' where you play ghost/demon detective having to 'capture' the paranormal spirti ghosts ( a sense)... Each game is of this survival horror genre...but with their added fresh twist. I'm trying to find a new fun idea that has not been explored in haunted house/mansion/castle manor..genre...but as a single player survival horror game...staying inside a big house/mansion...etc locatation. Not to other locations, like these games do to freshen/innovate on the genre.

    Thank you very much for any idea(s).
  2. Murgilod


    Nov 12, 2013
    Simple. Most games that do the following try to be comedies, but why not make a survival horror game where you're the ghost? Something where your continued survival involves trying to do what ghosts do: trying to keep people out of the house and making things go poorly for the people who don't leave. Because you're a ghost, you have limited ways to interact with the world, meaning that a spirit medium antagonist would be a big deal since they could destroy you outright.