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How to reduce scene loading time ?

Discussion in '2D' started by unity_LUbQ6QyiZDNLzQ, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. unity_LUbQ6QyiZDNLzQ


    Mar 17, 2019
    The scenes on my build load for about ~40 seconds and takes fare share of resources even tho the games is made of 2D sprites that are under post processing profile and materials with shadow maps_.
    Tried SceneLoadAsync, but it felt a bit particular, because you could still move while loading and it didint help in that seance. Reducing graphics didint change a thing, yet my game use 1 or 2Rams of memory when loading and disc space which I dont understand, I attached the picture.

    Attached Files:

  2. Helladah


    May 5, 2018
    The only way its putting less things to load at the begining and settin them while the game its running or something like that, this is no magic, you know