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How Connect to 2 Servers at the same time [UNet]

Discussion in 'UNet' started by Deleted User, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    I want create a Master Server to display all User Servers and User Infos.

    I want that the User is connected with the Master Server even he join a Server from the User.

    This means i need to hold 2 Connection from different IP's and Ports alive, so how can i do this?

    Do i need create a own NetworkManager or is there any good source out there?
    I was thinking just create a Gameobject and put there a network manager on it and spawn this as player in the master Server but i don't know if this is working and it don't solves the problem of having only one Server connected.
  2. Joe-Censored


    Mar 26, 2013
    I'd try using NetworkServerSimple for the master server. I use it all the time from the other end, where my game simulation servers all have connections to other servers using that, but I would expect it to work for clients as well.
    Deleted User likes this.
  3. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    Can you still use SyncVars and ClientRPC and Commands and the network identity with this NetworkServerSimple?
    And how do i spawn networked objects in this Server?

    Oh i see you can use something like MessageBase to communicate in NetworkServerSimple and send also messages to spawn objects over the network
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2018