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host id out of bound when use hololens as server to connent with unity editor by unet

Discussion in 'UNet' started by mayocoo, Aug 15, 2018.

  1. mayocoo


    Apr 1, 2017
    I want to communicate between HoloLens and unity editor by unet, following is my setting for my unetsharemanager gameobject in unity editor.
    My Unity version is 2017.4.1f1. The Network Manager is the unity original Network Manager component, and my NetworkDiscoveryWithAnchors scripts is following:

    When I run in unity editor first, then run the app in HoloLens, it runs well and can communicate with each other. However, If I run the app in HoloLens first,then run the app in unity editor, an error show up:

    Also, If I start another copy of my project in another unity editor and try to make them connect, the same error show up in Console of the later run unity editor.

    Does anyone know where maybe wrong?

    Plus, The project is HoloLens default recommend setting and the same error show up if I delete the Client prefab. Therefore, I think those parts should not have problem...