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Question Help writing a shader that converts one color to another

Discussion in 'Shaders' started by unity_2nq5pY_3AHF6WQ, May 14, 2024.

  1. unity_2nq5pY_3AHF6WQ


    Aug 10, 2022
    I'm trying to write a shader that sort of acts as a lens that changes the color of whatever is behind it. So it would be transparent, but any pixels in a green range would be rendered as yellow, for example. I haven't had any luck getting this to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. donutdude246


    Oct 18, 2017
    You can use shader graph to create a screen space (post processing) shader that does this. Or you can create a shader in shader graph that samples the scene color (opaque texture) and do it that way!