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Question Help me figure out where I should start and what to learn first.

Discussion in 'Getting Started' started by Neqster, Jul 1, 2022.

  1. Neqster


    May 25, 2022
    Hello, I would like to create a small PC application/game, where a player can plan/build his Guild Castle. I would like to make it as a some kind of support tool to the game called “Gloria Victis” where nations are fighting for territories, where Guild Castle can be built by players. That application/game could be very helpful while rebuilding or creating a brand new Guild Castle after a capture from the enemy.

    These Guild Castles have a grid (img: Aquitania grid) and based on it, I would like to be able to place these fortifications (img) on that grid. I would also like to have a "construction points'' counter. For example, the Aquitania grid (which is shown) would have 440 construction points in total. Each type of wall will cost 5 construction points, each gate/tower 10 points.

    I would like to introduce a leveling up system. Each structure can be leveled up to 6 level and each level requires different cost in construction points, let's say wall, to place it, (build lvl 1 wall) it cost 5 points, each level up cost 1 points until he reach level 4, then level up to level 5 will cost 2 points and level 6, 3 points. Based on that construction points counter, when a player reaches a max in construction points, I would like to block a player's possibilities of being able to place/lvl another construction.

    Also on towers and some corner walls can be placed ballistas (which cost 5 points), so I would like to be able to place them.

    How leveling up and adding ballista could be looks like? Pressing on, let's say a tower, two buttons will pops ut (img), one for leveling up, second will activate a slots, where a ballistae can be placed. (img)

    That's it, that's all I want to make but the problem is that I have no clue how and where to start, what to learn exactly to be able to make this application/game and I hope someone will guide me in the right place.
  2. neginfinity


    Jan 27, 2013
    Do you have programming experience?

    In general, you'd go to script reference, manual, scan through them (meaning take a look through), and also visit unity learn for tutorials.

    If you're programmer, you'd be probably interested in ScriptReference first. If you're not, it'll be manual and unity learn.
  3. Neqster


    May 25, 2022
    @neginfinity I'm completely new and know nothing about programming, so I assume that starting from the beginning is the only way to make what I want (thanks for the link to learn site) but maybe there is a faster way? Maybe you know some similar examples of similar thing which you can show me and I will try to learn from that.
  4. spiney199


    Feb 11, 2021
    You need to walk before you can run. Start with the first link neginfinity posted and begin with the junior programmer course.

    It's definitely not going to be as easy as you may imagine, but it's possible with patience and effort.
    lmbarns and angrypenguin like this.


    Jun 1, 2017
    you'll probably need to spend at least a year doing any and every programming course you can find. at some point you'll be able to begin imagining how to code your game and you'll only need help with specific questions.

    it doesnt really matter where you start, you just need to get familiar with basics of programming first. i've found doing some classic board games to be very helpful (chess, checkers). There is lots of tutorials out there for that.

    you may also find it helpful to try out some visual scripting. that takes away part of the challenge of learning to code in that you don't have to translate as much foreign language plus you can more visually see the organizational aspects of what you are doing.
  6. Ryiah


    Oct 11, 2012
    There is only one faster way: hiring someone to make it for you.
    angrypenguin likes this.
  7. neginfinity


    Jan 27, 2013
    Current state of the tech already allows you to save a lot of time, so I don't think there's any faster way to learn.

    Meaning you should head to unity learn and start learning.

    Like Ryiah said, you can also hire someone to make your game for you if you have the money. That will be faster than learning.