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Help - Dedicated server calculating Physics that map to unity physics

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by BlackBunnyCrankn, May 29, 2021.

  1. BlackBunnyCrankn


    Mar 21, 2020
    Hi all,

    I have been having some trouble building a dedicated server for my top down action mobile game. I have built a low level networking project that i run on a small box under my desk. I use bepuPhysics for server side physics calculations but i am having trouble mapping it to the client side physics calculations because one is bepu and the other is unity physics.

    I was wondering if unity has a DLL for physics that we can use for dedicated server side visual studio solutions (not unity). Every networking unity thing i have come across is either in preview or its depreciated. Any help would be huge.

    I really do like having a split between my server code and how it is hosted rather than being a unity build that is run on the server as its easier for me to work with. I was wondering if anybody has successfully built a dedicated server without having to just create a weird server side unity build to run a huge open world.

    Many thanks
  2. luke-unity


    Sep 30, 2020
    I'd recommend to use the same physics engine if you want to implement client side prediction. I do not think you can directly use Unity physics without the engine but our physics system is based on NVidia PhysX, you could try using that on your server. Another option would be to just us bepuPhysics on the Unity client as well.
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