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Question Help - Background Running Location Plugin for Unity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by c0ou1r, May 20, 2024.

  1. c0ou1r


    May 20, 2024
    The requirement is that it can run in the background, which Unity doesn't naturally do. I want to integrate the Lightship SDK because it has all the mapping solutions and makes it easy to draw routes if we have the GPS coordinates. Battery consumption is also a concern, so if you have any suggestions based on your experience, please let us know.mp3 juice tubidy y2mate

    The project involves a Unity application with the Lightship Maps SDK that needs to log GPS coordinates in the background, similar to how apps like Strava work. The GPS logging should continue as a background process, even when the screen is off, and then render the map using the collected data at the end of the session.

    The task is to create a background process that logs GPS data (even with the screen off) and saves it for later use. Battery optimization is also a key requirement.

    Is there any native plugin available for both Android and iOS to achieve this? Thank you.