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Handpainted texture pack - how much whould it be worth to you ?

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by jimmy livefjord, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    Hey Man !,

    I thought about that and it seems to me that some way or another it will go in that direction in the long run. But there are ton of stuff that has to change first. I have a certain kind of company structure at the moment wich gives me alot of freetime but also cuts down the profit. If i wanted to do what your suggesting i would have to change that.

    I am also very picky on quality. I would demand that all textures that go up on my site would be at least in my standard (becouse i consider myself to be really bad at painting). My dream is to make a page the has tons of content. Many years ago when i was younger i would have loved to be able to buy textures like this to try out game ideas. It would be awsome to see new game developers being able to enter the site and just get everything they want.

    Thanks you for your suggestion. Lets just hope we get a working site soon. Hang in there people !

    Kindly // Jimmy
  2. TBYG


    Sep 29, 2011
    Just a piece of advice, and hopefully you don't take this the wrong way.

    I was very interested in your textures, and decided I wanted to buy a few until I had to jump through hoops to even visit your site. I lost interest after 2 minutes. I would venture a guess that most people are like me, and we don't really want to have to work to give you our money. If at all possible, you should really make your site more accessible.

    Again, your textures are great - you just need to update the technical aspect of purchasing them.
  3. Sehlor


    Feb 10, 2012
    Hi Man,

    Theese are not my textures, this is not my website design also :)

    I Just helped Jimmy to get website working, i do the coding part.

    Its not that hard btw, you just need to click to add item to basket then click to checkout :)

  4. Sehlor


    Feb 10, 2012
    Double post.
  5. Origin


    Sep 5, 2010

    I see.

    Perhaps you could allow a sort of application process where people can send in a portfolio, or examples of their work, rather than leaving it open to anybody. Would allow for more quality control, would require more work on your part however....

    Anyway, perhaps that could be worked on at some other point down the road when you have things more settled. Good luck. :)
  6. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    Hey Man,

    Trust me completely understand where you are comming from. When we launched the page we had no clue that there was any bugs. Basicly everything i was afraid off has happened. The sad part is that when a site has this amount of problems in the beginning custummers get angry and will remember the site for all its problem. I hope you understand that we are not happy with the result now and are working on it, and offcourse you shoudnt have to work throught the page. We will add Paypal as soon as possible. I am also thinking about adding google checkout but have to read a bit more about it. Payson that we are using today have some really bad problems (they dont accept Visa/mastercard outside of europe) + that they cant handle dollars. Thanks you for the feedback. If you have any more suggestions about the visual stuff please let me know.

    Kindly // Jimmy
  7. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    Sure man thats a great idea (actually i had something like this in mind). Please send me some stuff that you have made so that i can have a look. It wont be any extra work for me i dont think there will be million of artist waiting to hop aboard ;)
  8. TBYG


    Sep 29, 2011
    I couldn't even GET to the site to add it to the basket.

    I don't hold it against you. I think that's one good thing about this community is they expect to deal with bugs. I would suggest PayPal over almost anything else. Even those who don't have a PayPal account can use PayPal to check out. I use it for my business, and have had very few issues, and we do, on average, $3000+ a month through our site.
  9. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    I don't hold it against you. I think that's one good thing about this community is they expect to deal with bugs. I would suggest PayPal over almost anything else. Even those who don't have a PayPal account can use PayPal to check out. I use it for my business, and have had very few issues, and we do, on average, $3000+ a month through our site.[/QUOTE]

    Yeah you are right. I am courious what kid of business do you have ?

    Kidly // Jimmy
  10. TBYG


    Sep 29, 2011
  11. BSECaleb


    Jan 29, 2009
    First off let me say good job on getting the site going. I've been trolling the thread for sometime waiting for your textures to go "live".

    How long before the terms and conditions go up? Right now I wouldn't make the purchase for commercial purposes with a completely unknown licensing agreement.

  12. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    Hey Caleb,

    Again There is so much to do ;)

    . But to make it clear. All people who buy textures have the right to use them in their own game production. You have the right to paint over them or modify them in ANY WAY you want. You may not resell them as textures packs or anything else.
    You can use the textures for your portfolio if you want but then you must write that some of the textures or models are from you should always credit www, if you product gets released.

    Thats about it. But it will be up soon.

    Kindly // Jimmy
  13. DylanNagel


    Jun 14, 2008
    Looks great, Jimmy and Sehlor! Nice to see the site is finally up. I'm sure any remaining issues will be solved quickly. I'm in favor of Paypal support too.

    Already a good selection of textures, I'd say. I think I'll pick up a few of these real soon, and will be waiting for new releases too. More dungeon floors and walls please! :)
  14. Alienchild


    Oct 14, 2010
    I'll be buying most of the textures I see on your site, although I'll have to wait until you add a paypal option. Word of advice: the more textures you have the higher the chance that you'll get more sales. I don't simply mean the same people coming back to buy the newest texture, but people who see that your site offers just about all the textures they need (or can modify/create the rest themselves). I am doing a simple mini-game and most of the environment can be created using your textures. I some of the crucial ones was missing though I would have had to make them myself.

    Did that make sense? It's a bit early in a saturday morning... anyways, best of luck to you, I'll be backing you with my cash :)
  15. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    Thanks man !, I promise once i get the problems of the site ou of my head i wil start to produce more textures. Have a great weekend dylan !
  16. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011

    Hey Man,

    Yepp thats the main goal of the site. To add an insane amount of textures. Remember if you miss some kind of texture you can send us an e-mail on , please incude some reference materials like photos and examples from ingame photos. Everything you will sen will be of great help. Stay tuned for updates.
  17. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    I am courius does anyone still run into the "under construction" problem ? I still get it at home. Chrome for some reason works slightly better. // jimmy
  18. Intermission


    Mar 17, 2012
    Nope, I am getting the website fine on chrome.

    However, for me to purchase these I would need more outdoor stuff because thats the type of game I am working on. You have sections for Foilage, Rocks Mountains, and Trees and they are empty. :(
  19. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    I am glad to see it seems to work for now. Textures are comming, the priority one is to get the site to work properly. I have a rock textures that is like 30 % done (look back in this tread and you will see a render of it). I also have trees in the asset store. hang in there more are comming.

    Kindly //Jimmy
  20. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    This one will be up later tonight.

    Attached Files:

  21. ivanzu


    Nov 25, 2010
    You should do more ground textures like with flowers,or grass mixed with ground etc.
  22. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011

    have a leafground (like autum leaves mixed with dirt) + a stonewall texture comming up. But i am taking all suggestions very serious so i will do some of thoose textures later for sure.

    Stau tuned ! , The stone stair just added on !
  23. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    Okay The Terms Conditions is finally up.
  24. SteveJ


    Mar 26, 2010
    I think you should reconsider this:

    That's fair on free products, but I don't think it should be applied on textures with a price tag. Especially in a mobile title, credit space is generally pretty scarse and having to credit and link back to you seems a little unnecessary.

    Just my opinion.

    Love the textures :)
  25. RaskVann


    Jul 17, 2011
    I was expecting something along the lines of 'you can't take credit for the creation of anything made by Jimmy Livefjord'. It's your work though so I certainly won't pass judgement. Are one of those texture pack/bundle deals you mentioned early in this post still going to happen Jimmy? eta?
  26. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    Hey Raskvann. I have decided to make smaller packs that are more categorized. But i will keep my promise for all the people who has been following this tread. I just have to keep painting ;) ,My energy is really Zero right now. The page is constantly being delayed and its very frustrating. Paypal support is suppose to be done tonight... lets see what happends..

    About the credit i dont see how "credit space is generally pretty scarse" i mean it should basicly be able to be as long as the Star Wars intro ? , If no one writes my name some one else automaticly takes the credit for the textures.I am just one person doing this and i have very little time. I really need all the support /commercial i can get. If you actually finnish your games and have a suggestion on how to solve it please just drope us a mail and we will work something out.

    Kindly // Jimmy
  27. appliquette


    Apr 14, 2008
    Im not sure having your name in the credits and back-linked will be as valuable as you may think.

    IMO more important would be to request users who have published titles using the game to let you know so you can promote your textures by showing the commercial products they have been used in.

    I don't think average joe who plays the game really cares who did the textures (or code, or 3d etc)

    Anyways doesn't really bother me, just thought i'd throw in my 2c :)

    Good work too!
  28. mrx000


    Feb 3, 2012
    I would buy most of them, but the backlink for payed textures (not even code/asset)
    is a no go for me,
    maybe you could rise the price for people who can't back link?
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2012
  29. DylanNagel


    Jun 14, 2008
    Just another opinion:

    I would happily include you in the credits of my game, as 'environment textures: Jimmy Livefjord' . I am currently not including any links however, not for myself nor for the concept artist, 3D modeler, composers or sound designer.

    Personally I believe having your name in the credits is great, but having something like '' in there would actually decrease the perceived value of the product.

    In my experience, if people are actually interested in something, they'll figure out a way to find you. If I would play a game using some of your textures, and I really liked them, and your name would be in the credits, your site would be just one Google search away.

    Looking forward to hearing more ideas on the matter, and your decision on it, Jimmy!
  30. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    Hey Guys,

    Thanks you all for your valid points. I Will try to answer all of them and mix thoose answer with my own opinions.

    First of all i am an artist myself. I understand there is alot of pride behind releasing you own product. What i do not understand is how someone can buy stuff that they see fit into their game and after have implemented it there dont feel like the artist behind it should get credit ? This is really strange to me.I could never make a game, see someone elses material in there and then not feel like i should give those artists a clap on the shoulder and thanks for making stuff thats have been made availible to me - paid or not,

    If you want to write: "textures - Jimmy livefjord" and skip the link to thats okay ( as i wrote before once you are about to release the game just send me an e-mail and we can work something out). You can also choose not to display the name in the game itself but could for example have it on the "site" on apple store or the games homepage. bottom line is you should somehow give credit.

    In the beginning when i started to design i was thinking about having "about me" instead of "about us" up in the top menu. The reason why i changed is that i felt like everything was about myself rather than my work. I think Dylans point however were very valid, is it better with: "Textures - jimmy Livefjord" ?

    I have taken help from a new programmer - again. No answers from the current one. The new programmer should have paypal sollution ready tonight. Also the preview system will be in place so that you will be able to see how all the textures will look tiled + variations.

    I have attached a early stage of a ground texture well maybe 50 % done. many people asked for a leaf ground. As soon as the page starts looking descent and i can get some proper sleep i will start pushing out textures again. I will spend alot of time making various ground textures the next month. It seems to me alot of people have been asking for this.

    Thanks you all very much for your feedback.

    Kindly // Jimmy

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  31. SteveJ


    Mar 26, 2010
    I'd be more than happy to do something along the lines of "Textures by Jimmy Livefjord". It's mostly the link that I had issues with.

    EDIT: And it's not that unheard of that artists create content, sold on a non-exclusive basis, that requires no explicit crediting. Look at virtually every asset on the Asset Store for example. I don't think that people are trying to pass off the work as their own, it's just that they couldn't be bothered having to remember to explicitly thank everyone that wanted credit. If I was making a game on the cheap (i.e. using a bunch of non-exclusive assets), and EVERYONE wanted to be credited, then the credits on my game would just end up looking like a complete mess. In past games I've just gone with things along the lines of "Created by Steve Jarman (with the help of numerous contributors)". Anyway... just saying.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  32. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    I actually havent thought about it that way. That is actually a very valid point. I would claim that the difference here is that will have tons of content. I can honestly say that i think many people will buy alot once we get up more. I dont think people go in with purpose to take the credit from other peoples work - it just happends to look like that. And if no one else demands this it should be even more easy right ?.

    so i will change the terms today to "Textures by Jimmy Livefjord". And i am leaning more towards your possition i must admit.

    Actually i have changed my mind. Lets do it like this: if you CAN, write "textures - jimmy livefjord"
    or "textures from" otherwise skip it !, But send me an e-mail once the product gets released so i can link to you !

    I think people have spoken clearly about this so i just have to change my mind.

    You were right people - changes will be made as soon as the programmer goes online !

    Kindly // Jimmy
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  33. SteveJ


    Mar 26, 2010
    And don't get me wrong Jimmy - I plan on buying a bunch of your textures for something new that I'm working on. I'm not so much "complaining" as I am "discussing". It's just important to get details like this ironed out. It's early days for your site though, so it's understandable that you're still getting things up and running and sorting things out.

    I think what you're doing is awesome work :)
  34. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    No problem at all man.

    I consider this an enormous help. If custommers really want something you should listen to them. By the way payment via paypal works right now !. The preview should be up within hours on the site. Thanks for the help !

    Kindly // Jimmy
  35. SteveJ


    Mar 26, 2010
    And just a quick request for the future - would love to see some more "big block" type textures like your "Big Block Stonewall" (the purple looking one).

    I'm playing around with ideas for a platformer and creating tiles. The problem is that a lot of "traditional scale" textures are too large for the individual building blocks that I'm using. I'm putting that terribly, but hopefully it makes sense :)

    Things like "Stonewall 3" (the second texture on your site) when mapped to the side of a single "block" give that block a pretty large perceived size (like maybe an 8 to 10 foot high wall), and using just a section of the texture is painful - getting it to tile nicely etc.

    EDIT: I guess the issue with smaller scale textures is that the repeat pattern is much more noticeable when you're tiling them side-by-side over a large area.
  36. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    I didnt quite understand i must admit ;) , Are you saying that you like the big blicks becouse its easier to build induvidual blocks in 3d that follows the cracks on that textures so to speak ?
  37. SteveJ


    Mar 26, 2010
    Yep - something like that :)

    Basically just big blocks. As in this:

    over this:

  38. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011

    Sure man i will do a couple more of theese soon promise.
  39. RaskVann


    Jul 17, 2011
    He's looking to build platforms, he plans on doing this by blowing up one of the bricks so he can use that entire brick for the entire platform that the player will stand on. Why don't you just ask for a texture where the entire thing is one platform? Other non-platform games can use it for a giant button and other similar things.

    A large piece of cement or brick flooring is just as valid as smaller tiled brick.
  40. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    I must be the most stupid on the planet ,i still dont understand ;) Anyway here comes a new ground texture. I have decided to make two different ones. This one is called wet leaves and are leaves that have been laying on the ground for a couple of weeks and rot. Good for rainy environments. The other one will have brighter and more vibrant colors.

    Attached Files:

  41. mrx000


    Feb 3, 2012
    beautiful, you got some painting skills Jimmy!
  42. RaskVann


    Jul 17, 2011
    Basically this, not tiled, no extra textures, just one giant texture for a floating platform covering the entirety of 1 face. Think along the lines of your door or rug texture, it doesn't tile, it's 1 unit. Only difference is he wants it for a platform/level piece instead of a prop.

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2012
  43. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    Okay Now i think i am starting to see the point. So basicly just one big block covering a 512 ? , I had planned making a "pure" stone texture thats tileable but not something like this. But sure lets do it. Thanks for the explanation raskvann.
  44. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011

    Thanks alot man ! , Comments like this keep my pillow warm ant night.
  45. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011

    Hey again guys. I thought i just give you a quick update. PAYPAL integration is done and work a 100 %. What i am waiting for right now is to get a function done that make me change some stuff in the database. As you have probably notice only the last leaf texture have several pictures in the preview. all pictures will get something like this, right now i cant update them.

    The terms and conditions have been changed so you no longer have to credit us.

    Yesterday i heard that it would probably been better to built the entire site in drupal. It whould handle large amounts of picture data better + that the admins is already in place. That was kind of depressing but i will continue with this site the way it is right now. Maybe i will update the entire thing in the future when we get a bigger audience.

    I want the preview stuff to be done and after that i will launch some commercial on the internet. Do you guys have any suggestions ?
    I whould really appriciate to get some tips on how we can make the site get more known.

    Hang in there and thank you for your support !

    Kindly // Jimmy
  46. SteveJ


    Mar 26, 2010
    Is this still about what I said? That's NOT what I was wanting by the way.

    Take a look at a tool like Tidy Tile Mapper ( All I'm saying is when you're building levels out of blocks like that, and you map a texture such as the grey stone wall to it (just slapped on each side of the cube), then the perceived size of that block is quite large (i.e. because there's a lot of bricks in it and therefore it would be quite "high" and "wide" in real life).

    Anyway, doesn't have to make sense - just more variations on the "big block" texture is all I'm asking for :)
  47. PizzaGuy213


    Nov 23, 2010
    Hi Jimmy,

    Been a while since I've checked the updates, looks like good progress is being made..

    Sounds to me that you're site is almost running as you'd want it to, so if I were you I''d start cranking out more textures :p Once you got more textures on there it'll be easier to make changes like different categories etc..

    So keep em coming!
  48. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    You couldnt have said it better. its on its way. I just need to get the most basic parts fix first. thanks man.
  49. jimmy livefjord

    jimmy livefjord

    Dec 16, 2011
    new cliff textures upp on the store in minutes. remember folks i will always post new textures/updates on my twitter so add me there for all the news.!/jimmylivefjord

    Attached Files:

  50. Games-Foundry


    May 19, 2011
    Jimmy, please update your signature and put your website url there, and perhaps a link and description to your most recently added texture. Thanks.