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Question Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin v8.6.0 - how to get a build working?

Discussion in 'Android' started by Mr-Simpson, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. Mr-Simpson


    Apr 7, 2015
    I need to update my android apps for Google Play Store and updated to Google Mobile Ads 8.6.0. In the editor everything is working, but if I try to make a build for Google Play Store I got all kinds of gradle errors.

    I tried also a blank Unity project with only the google ads plugin 8.6.0 and couldn't make a build.

    I tried this with Unity 2023.1.20f1, Unity 2022.3.15f1 LTS and Unity 2021.3.18.f1 LTS.

    How can I get a build with Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin v8.6.0 that will work? What Unity version I should use and how to set up Unity for the plugin?
  2. SecretGamers


    Oct 18, 2022
    same problem here.. any solution?
  3. Mr-Simpson


    Apr 7, 2015

    Make sure your Player Settings look exactly like this and use Unity 2022.3 or higher.

    Do NOT tick "Release", there is a bug somewhere and your ads will not display if you tick Release. You will get a warning when you upload it to Google Play, something with "R8", but you can ignore it.

    You will get another warning in Google Play if you not modify the "mainTemplate.gradle" file, watch the video how to fix it:

    Hope that will help.