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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Deleted User, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. Ostwind


    Mar 22, 2011
    Ok well that's where you are going wrong for starters. You are not supposed to copy files around like that its even described in the manual. If you want to maintain asset changes you use version control or at least some other method that retains the asset changes and/or meta files. That 40 minutes sounds it takes forever to just copy the files and then it caches them to proper format all again because you do just a file copy. All or most of those problems exists because of what you are doing. Even the export to package option in Unity is better than file copy. Once an asset gets reset like texture, all its settings for each platform gets set to default which usually means compression enabled and it makes it blurry. Your cards should for example never use compression.
  2. Khyrid


    Oct 8, 2010
    I've lost interest.
  3. Ostwind


    Mar 22, 2011
    That's not a correct or efficient way to do it. Even the export/import package is better option if you want to do updates between computers without version control.

    First copying everything copies the cached stuff which has tons of files and makes the transfer size 2-4x bigger than the project itself. Second the filedates can get changed between OSX/Windows copies making Unity to think the file was altered somehow and making it reset or reimport it all again and this will happen to all files.

    There are stuff about this in manual or elsewhere in the forums/net.
  4. angrypenguin


    Dec 29, 2011
    Dude, at least some of the people posting here have made games in Unity. We know exactly how long it takes and how much effort needs to be put in.

    I don't "believe" that Unity can make a kickass game. I know it can, because I've done it multiple times in the past. And I'm sure that at others discussing this with you now have done the same.

    As for whether it can do it in a month... who made that claim? While I've done plenty of less-than-a-month projects and all of the commercially-oriented ones looked pretty sweet, they all worked because the project was planned based on available time, not the other way around. If you've only got a month then you've got to scope for what you can do in a month. Complaining after the deadline's gone that your tools didn't magically do things faster for you won't ever get the job done. You need to know your capabilities, understand where your available tools will and won't help, and plan accordingly.

    Finally... Unity doesn't make games. People make games. Unity is just one of many tools we use to do it. There are plenty of awesome looking Unity games out there proving it can be done, so if yours falls short of the mark it isn't Unity's fault. Yes, the tool has its shortfalls, but here's some news for you - they all do. I've used several different game engines/frameworks during my career, and not a single one of them was perfect. The same can be said for every other supporting tool, too.

    I think it's a good idea for you personally to move on from Unity and try out some other tools, because until you broaden your experience it seems to me that you'll just keep blaming your tools instead of taking the responsibility of doing better upon yourself.
  5. TylerPerry


    May 29, 2011
    I think you would be better off going with a new gui, adding cartoon style graphics and releasing it under a different name.
    Other then that i don't know, you would need to add in some extra content that other games don't have(this can't be fancy AI as a player couldn't care less about that)
  6. pivotraze


    Feb 4, 2012
    I'd love to know what engine.
  7. angrypenguin


    Dec 29, 2011
    As would I. I'm also interested to hear what your experience is with it for whatever your next project is.

    I encourage people to get experience with a bunch of different tools. Having said that, you won't get the most out of any set of tools until you're well experienced with them, with multiple projects under your belt over probably at least a year or two.
  8. MadRobot


    Jul 12, 2011
    How many times does it shuffle the deck?
  9. pivotraze


    Feb 4, 2012
    I've used multiple engines personally :p

    So far, my favorite is Unity, but I'm re-experimenting with UDK currently :p
  10. MadRobot


    Jul 12, 2011
    Wrong. You should charge what the market will bear. Ideally, you should plot supply vs price, and demand vs price, and charge the price where the two curves intersect. Basic microeconomics.
  11. MadRobot


    Jul 12, 2011
    Sigh... You can't *debate* your app into selling. If people don't like it because it's freaking Tuesday, then don't sell it on Tuesday. It's pretty awsome that you can do AI so well. I mean that. That is a valuable skill. But it doesn't matter what's going on under the hood if it's still Tuesday.

    Fact: Market is saturated. Price for these games is $ .99. Your game is priced higher than the rest. Your game isn't selling.

    Water's wet, grass is green. It's not an attack. It's how it is. It's up to you to decide how to handle it.

    BTW, it *is* a bit arrogant to think you, a lone developer, working one month, in your free time, is going to develop a better game than the *teams* (of professionals) that worked (full time) on all the other poker games for *months*. The last 10% of a project typically takes 90% of the time and effort...
  12. MadRobot


    Jul 12, 2011
    Well it's basically a trick question. Your shuffle algorithm is the ideal way for a computer to shuffle a deck of cards. But, there's no point in doing it 3 times. Randomized is randomized, and doing it more than once is pointless and wasteful. This suggests you don't understand probability very well. Which makes me wonder how well you can write a Poker AI.

    Between this and how much trouble some of the basic GUI functions took you... and the current state the GUI was left in... it kind of puts your claims in perspective.
  13. pivotraze


    Feb 4, 2012
    So... the engine you chose is?

    You never quite said. You just said the engines you've invested time in... not the engine you chose to go with now.
  14. angrypenguin


    Dec 29, 2011
    Have you actually completed full game projects in all of those? You can't fully assess a toolset until you've gone through the whole process, because they all have strengths and weaknesses in different areas.

    Edit: Actually, I have another question. You keep saying that your game is selling. If that's the case, why not use the income it's already generating to pay for the multiplayer version? Kickstarter is intended to kickstart things (oddly enough...), and if your product is already selling then aren't you already past the point where you'd (typically) want kickstarting?
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2012
  15. pivotraze


    Feb 4, 2012
    Huh. Interesting. Good luck with that.
  16. khanstruct


    Feb 11, 2011
    Ok, this is getting overly aggressive. First, MadRobot has a point. Humans need to shuffle multiple times, but a computer can randomize things just fine on the first pass.

    Also, Texas? Texas is one of the epicenters of game development, so...

    Finally, people should just take a deep breath and not get so personal. You've said you've decided to go with a different engine. Its a shame you won't stick with one and try to learn its depth, but I wish you the best of luck in your games.
  17. angrypenguin


    Dec 29, 2011
    There's two sides to that coin, though. There's a lot to learn about game development which won't be learned by sticking to a single engine forever.

    If you've got the time, it's a great idea to try a bunch of engines over a bunch of small projects before picking something to stick with for the longer term.
  18. MadRobot


    Jul 12, 2011
    Eh. I didn't mean to insult you. You are right, something was lost in the translation. Especially when people say 'how many times does the computer shuffle'. So I had the wrong idea, which combined with a lot of other stuff you said. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me. Good luck with your knew game engine of choice!
  19. RingOfStorms


    Oct 23, 2010
    This thread should be closed and just stopped. I'm sorry but this is a horrid mark on this community, and I do hope he goes to a different engine. UT does not deserve people who think they are better then their output. It is not the engines fault, it is completely ridding on you.

    I was ready to post a bunch of insults but, i'll stop here.