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Bug DeclareDepthTexture changes between Unity Versions

Discussion in 'Universal Render Pipeline' started by Phantom_X, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. Phantom_X


    Jul 11, 2013
    Is this normal that the same URP version (14.0.10) code is different between 2 unity versions (2022.3.2 and 2022.3.21) ?

    This is causing a huge issue because the UNITY_VERSION is AFAIK the only way to have preprocessors in shaders to do different things based on the version.
    UNITY_VERSION preprocessor is clamped to 9 digits so it is impossible to know that we are on 2022.3.21

    Now if we can't rely on the UNITY_VERSION in our shaders and you change URP depending on unity double digits "bugfix" version it is impossible to make shaders that are compatible with all versions of unity.
