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Creating a remote keyboard on a mobile device that connects to unity...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SquigglyFrog, May 16, 2024.

  1. SquigglyFrog


    Jan 9, 2014
    So, not even sure where to start, im working on a platform with limited internet, NO play services or anything like that, and often just local wifi.. What I would like to do is create a qr code (or even just give them a link) for each player that would pull up a interface hosted by a unity http server?!? where players could input text into their interface on their phone, and the unity app would be able to retrieve that text.. basically, 4-8 people using phones as remote keyboard entry controllers... any thoughts or ideas on where i can even start with this idea?! gotten myself lost in searches, and not finding what I want..
    DungDajHjep likes this.