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Question Combining lightmaps, compute shaders

Discussion in 'Shaders' started by newerish, May 23, 2024.

  1. newerish


    Sep 13, 2019

    I want to dynamically change the color and intensity of emissive materials and lights (but not their transform) and update their lightmaps . Assuming that I know what light sources are modifiable, I bake their individual lightmaps in Editor and store in Resources. In the Play mode, I load those lightmaps and combine them based on the weight of each light source and pass the result as the active lightmap.

    My solution:
    I assume the fastest way will be to use compute shaders, with lightmaps as two Texture2D[] (color and direction) and a float and color arrays containing the weights. But, I have zero experience in compute shaders and minimal experience with shaders in general.

    Is this the way to go? Should I invest in this direction or is there a simpler way? Please note that the solution will only apply to a single project template, platform and pipeline (Win64, NVidia, local, standalone, HDRP), so I'm not worried about shader compatibilities atm, but I do care about its future independent operability (so I don't want to rely on 3rd party tools like Enlighten).
