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Question Card Game P2P or database based multiplayer?

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by oskar-s, Oct 31, 2022.

  1. oskar-s


    Mar 31, 2015
    Hello, I want to make a multiplayer card game. 2 Players. Player one plays a card, then a second card. This card has an effect so that he draws a card. After that he ends the turn and some "end-of-turn" effects will be executed. Now Player 2 does the same. And so on.
    Now i have a question. If i want to makle this kind of game. what would be a better solution: Working with netcode/mirror/... and make it peer-to-peer and just syncing everything in "realtime"? Or another possibility i have heard of is to just run a datebase and sync the data after every move. I read on the internet that it is enough for a turnbased game and should be easier. (But i cant find any tutorials for this kind of thing in unity)
    I'm a solo hobby dev. The game is not competitive, so cheating should not be a problem at the moment. People should play it only with a friend.