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Can't restart a new session

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by RemyOreka, Sep 27, 2022.

  1. RemyOreka


    Nov 8, 2017

    I have made a project using Relay, Lobby and Vivox. Currently, a user (the host) can create a lobby that clients can join. After that, the host can launch the session and all users are teleported to the same scene. They can speak to each other and interact with the environment. Everything work as expected until i reach the session end.

    When ending the session, the following error messages appear:
    "ObjectDisposedException: The Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[Unity.Networking.Transport.NetworkDriver+Connection] has been deallocated, it is not allowed to access it".

    Once the application has been closed, the host attempts to create a new session. Users (after restarting the app) can rejoin the new lobby, however when the host launches the new session the following errors appear : "AssertionException: Tickrate must be a positive value." and "OverflowException: t = -505,0118 but must be >= 0. range 0,0416417805384839, RenderTime -0,0333333333333333, Start time 20,9962572234869, end time 21,0378990040254".

    I am using the "Game-Lobby-Sample" project provided by Unity as a base project reference. I'm calling OnGameEnd() to close the network session but maybe I have missed something.

    Others informations :
    OS : Windows 10
    Unity version : 2020.3.23f1
    Targeted platform : Android
    Devices : 2 Meta Quest 2 standalone.
    Netcode : 1.0.0-pre.4
    Relay : 1.0.1-pre.3
    Lobby : 1.0.0-pre.6

    Any help would be great !