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Camera stacking problem, please help.

Discussion in 'General Graphics' started by dreartuty22, May 24, 2024.

  1. dreartuty22


    Feb 10, 2022
    So in my unity hdrp 2d project I have three cameras. The default camera, which renders the game to a 2d render texture, that render texture being used for a material which has a stylized shader and that material being applied to a raw image on a canvas that is rendered by a camera which also renders the rest of the ui and buttons. The third camera is supposed to render certain world space UI elements like in level text and so on, and I made this camera to be a overlay texture and render on top of the camera which renders the UI and the stylized view of the game. I don't know why this overlay UI isn't visible.
    I think the problem is the UI overlay renders under the raw image, because the canvas with the ui elements and the raw image is set to camera-overlay. I think this is the problem. How can I make the world UI elements render on top of the raw image.
  2. warthos3399


    May 11, 2019
    HDRP doesnt support camera stacking, if you use more than 1 camera, your performance is going to tank...