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[Big offer Save $600✅]Infinigrass-GPU Optimized Interactive Grass-Trees-Meshes, mobile,HDRP-URP

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by nasos_333, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. DragonCoder


    Jul 3, 2015
    This does look really amazing and possibly exactly what we need :)

    Three questions though:
    Have I understood that passage with "supports any surface" right in the way that the grass is applicable to meshes too (like procedurally generated ones), not only terrains?
    What conditions do the meshes have to fulfill (special texture or UV values for where grass is desired)?

    Do I have to replace the original shader of my mesh, or can it somehow work ontop?
    Reason I ask is because I use a special triplanar texturing + tesselation shader on those meshes.

    Huge thanks in advance!
  2. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    The system does not rely on any mesh properties, only need a valid proper collider to place the grass. It can also follow the mesh should it be movable. Note that adding to procedural map in run time is more tricky, as the batching even though is multithreaded can be heavy, is fine is grass is applied stroke by stroke gradually, like in my run time planting demos though.

    The upcoming InfiniGRASS STUDIO new asset based on InfiniGRASS will use pooling, so wont be doing potentially any batching in run time and can plant whole terrains with the rule based system almost instantly, but will have the limitation that grass is placed on a 2D way (like blanket) and will be usable with the normal grass managers that can plant grass locally in any orientation.

    Let me know for any further questions.
    DragonCoder likes this.
  3. DragonCoder


    Jul 3, 2015
    Thank you for the very fast reply!
    To use the colliders is really smart. Too bad that doesn't work with my 2.5D game where the colliders are 2D but a 3D mesh needs grass.
  4. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
    hi, since the game is procedural and if you plan to plant in run time, then you could actually use any method to provide the grass stokes position and surface normal, or fix the normal to any vector to facilitate the 2.5D angle etc.

    I have many real time samples that use collision for example to provide the position and not a raycast, also can just use an abstract function that takes in position and normal and feed it anything as needed for the game grass position.

    There is no real limitation to this, the colliders is just one of the possible ways to choose positions, but are definitely not necessary.

    Or you could use a 3D collider to plant the grass maybe as well and then disable it at game start.
  5. marcodepaoli


    Jan 21, 2018
    Hello there! I bought infiniGrass today for using on URP.
    Could you send-me the beta version for URP? Thx!
  6. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2022
  7. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2022
  8. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2022
  9. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    (*All above environments are created and optimized using Sky Master ULTIMATE for clouds, sky, fog, weather effects and InfiniGRASS for foliage generation & optimization, no other assets are used.)
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2022
  10. carking1996


    Jun 15, 2010
    Is there a way to spawn on a mesh at runtime at the start with some random (or pre-defined probably) settings? I have a game where things load procedurally and I want to load grass onto the mesh after the mesh loads. I haven't seen a tutorial where it isn't done without painting. I want the grass to be all over the mesh so it doesn't matter where it is at.
  11. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
    Hi, yes is certainly possible, in latest versions i have a planet and a tiles samples that are filled automatically at run time, so can use them as base to put own logic.

    Note that this does require to write code to define what raycasts are needed. The system has option to also follow the object motion and rotation if needed.

    Also what pipeline is used and what will be the item, e.g. how much grass is needed ?
  12. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS STUDIO - Work on the refinement of demo scenes. The new asset final Beta is coming soon and on store release will be in deep discount for InfiniGRASS users.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2022
  13. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS STUDIO - Work on mass planting and erase of plants in run time.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2022
  14. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013


    InfiniGRASS STUDIO - New unique ARTnGAME developed extra optimization method is now finished, the video shows test on a very dense foliage for gauging the performance in 1050GTX Laptop (Video is also software recorded inside Unity editor, so actual performance should be even higher)

    There is a direct gain of double performance using the new extra optimization. Which brings the InfiniGRASS STUDIO to a next level even with shadows pushed to the max for crazy visual quality !!! Shadows are at 550m in the video, adding shadows even to the furthest the eye can see.

    This new optimization is on top of the 5 new optimizations STUDIO version brings over the current mesh batching in InfiniGRASS v1.x., which are single material - multi grass textures, grid based updating, batched billboards, huge batches spread with blanket mode, GPU instancing and pooling for zero extra RAM allocation.

    This means that InfiniGRASS STUDIO can now enable crazy looking vegetation visuals that are way beyond what is possible with the standard optimization techniques.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
    Recon03 likes this.
  15. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
  16. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2022
  17. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2022
  18. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS STUDIO - Work on the biomes demo, the system creates procedurally planting rules based on the chosen Biome and applies them to the real time created map.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2022
  19. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS v1.9.9.8h has been released at the Unity Asset Store !
    InfiniGRASS v1.9.9.8h
    - Added lawn mowing demo and controller of the system.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
  20. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    Sky Master ULTIMATE November Offers !
    InfiniTREE PRO is now released at the Unity Asset Store at -50% Discount and is currently a $5 upgrade from InfiniTREE and a $15 upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE or InfiniGRASS !

    LAST HOURS of the SALE !!!!

    Sky Master ULTIMATE is on big discount, buy InfiniTREE PRO for $29 and upgrade for $19 to Sky Master ULTIMATE for total $48 (versus $69 normal price) !

    InfiniGRASS, GIBLION, LUMINA GI, InfiniRIVER, ORION, Particle Dynamic Magic URP and Oceanis are are now discounted to only $19 when upgrading from Sky Master ULTIMATE !

    Enjoy :)
    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
  21. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS is now on -50% discount in Unity Black Friday sale !!

    Also the new Environment Building Bundle
    is now released at the Unity Asset Store !!!

    The bundle is currently at -50% discount ($230 vs $460 normal price) and Sky Master ULTIMATE users can upgrade for a premium further discount at $160. Save $600 on ARTnGAME assets.

    IMPORTANT: Users that own multiple ARTnGAME assets or assets other than Sky Master ULTIMATE may send a request here for custom discounts on the bundle !
  22. burningmime


    Jan 25, 2014
    Is there a version of Unity that this will work with out of the box? I created a brand new project in 2021.3.13f1 LTS, imported the latest version of ininigrass (Version - November 28, 2022), opened up the demos, and... I'm guessing this is not how it's supposed to look, so is it just a version conflict?

    In editor it only shows around where the player is supposed to be, and lighting is broken (this is the "compare with Unity Grass" demo):


    I hit play, here's what it looks like at a distance -- very obvious quads with no blending:


    There's extremely obvious pop-in as well as missing/broken lighting (this is the lawnmower demo):


    I'm hoping this is just a version conflict or something and I'm not supposed to be using 2021.3?
    Claytonious likes this.
  23. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
    Hi, which pipeline is used ?

    Also you use Linear or Gamma color space ?

    The quads you see are the unity terrain grass that i use to compare performance. For sone reason did not manage to make proper grass with the unity system, so use those just for comparisson, are not part of InfiniGRASS system.

    The grass is variable can use any mesh or texture, so artistically can be anything as needed, but will be faster than use Unity terrain system.

    The grass patches cutoff distance is also user defined in the LOD section, i use a close one in the demo because i am on 1050gtx and use very thick grass in that demo.

    There is also on shader a fade distance, so can use it to make the grass fade out just before is removed for a smooth effect at all distances.

    The lighting is defintly off though, not sure why, let me know more details on what color space and pipeline are used and can check further.

    Change between Gamma and Linear to see if fixes it and also reduce the Unity ambient lighting and use Deferred on canera, to see if one of these affect it.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2022
  24. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013


    I did a few tests and seems this is an issue with the lately added shadows brightness control and Linear color space.

    For Linear can reduce the Shadow Brightness and Cutoff as needed to get the desired result, probably need to be regulated in lesser values than in Gamma. I attached two photos showing the two shadow properties in the materials for reference.

    I noticed also that the Linear affect the lawnmowing system and the grass is not removed as it should be, probably also due to Linear color space, will investigate as well and prepare a demo with further grass distance in LODs, proper fade distance and lawnmowing adapted to Linear and get back asap.

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    (New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $149 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)
    Dr_Evanzan likes this.
  25. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
    Hi, I have checked all the mentioned issues extensively and seems every one is addressable by tweaking the current system, since everything is parametrizable, without further code changes needed. I will create a small guide on all and get back on this asap.

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    (New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $149 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)
  26. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
    Reduce the Shadow Brightness for use in Linear color space

    Increase LOD distances (close - mid - far - cutoff, if no LODs defined the close if the cutoff)
    and press Set LODs button with "apply LOD to all" checkbox activated, for the grass type needed to be extended

    Increase grass width to get a thicker look, here I do it in the already planted grass by directly set of the grass growers scales, "Start tree scale" and "End scale". Alternatively can erase the planted grass and use a larger brush size
    in the planting.

    Increase or decrease the shader's Fade parameter in the Grass Manager for the required brush in order to make the grass fade out smoothly just before is cutoff by the LOD system.

    In Linear color space the Lawn mowing with the default grass material setting will not push the grass down enough as in Gamma to make it mowned looking. To remedy this adjust the "Shape erase grass shadow factor" to a higher value to make more apparent
    the difference between mowned and normal grass.

    The system with the higher LOD distance, full shadows and very high density runs at 70+ fps in a 5 years old DELL XPS laptop, with advanced cutting edge shaded grass.

    Video of the system running on my 5 years old DELL XPS 1050GTX GPU Laptop, for reference. Note that this is a stress test, the grass density is more than it should be and shadows are in full range and in high resolution.

    Hi, I post above a guide on each of the mentioned points, how to address them and also I have finished a new demo shown in the above video, with all changes implemented, which I can send for direct use and will also be included in the next update in the store.

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    (New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $149 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2022
  27. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    GIBLION Anime Scene Creation


    InfiniGRASS Vegetation Creation and GPU Based Optimization

    InfiniGRASS Vegetation Creation and GPU Based Optimization is now -50% off in Unity New Year Sale !

    Also upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $149 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets ! And upgrade from InfiniGRASS to the bundle for $149.

    If register in ARTnGAME YouTube
    can also have a custom offer of upgrading from Sky Master ULTIMATE to the Bundle for only $139 on request, post here the YouTube name to get the offer !!!!
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2023
  28. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS v1.9.9.8k has been released at the Unity Asset Store !
    InfiniGRASS v1.9.9.8k
    - Added fix for Linear color space in lawn mowing demo, to make the cut grass appear correctly in lower height than the grass that is not cut.
    - Added new version of the lawn mowing demo with further LOD distance for grass, bigger grass size and thickness and readjusted shader fade distance to smoothly fade in and out the grass before is cut off in the LOD distance.

    ARTnGame offers
    Ivy Studio is now included in the Lunar New Year Mega Bundle !
    For a limited time Sky Master ULTIMATE can be upgraded from Ivy Studio for a big discount at $35 and Environment building bundle can then be upgraded from Sky Master ULTIMATE for a big discount, at only $99! for a limited time.

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2023
  29. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS v1.9.9.9 update:

    Added batched billboards system and new demos showcasing insane grass density and amount and enhanced mobile demos. Also new demos and assets with optimization of 1000+ vertices grass.

    ARTnGame offers
    Environment building bundle is now on -50% discount in Fresh Assets Sale !
    For a limited time Sky Master ULTIMATE can be upgraded to Environment building bundle for only $119.
    InfiniGRASS is included in Environment building bundle.

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2023
  30. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS v2.0 has been released at the Unity Asset Store !

    InfiniGRASS v2.0 (Major Update)
    - Added new Batched Billboards system, for use in LODs or close up when needed maximum performance.
    - Added new mobile oriented demo scenes.
    - Added two extra optimizations through a separate script that makes sure all grass growers grown from editor planting are disabled at game start if not needed for dynamic functionality and the batching scripts can also be regulated to be updated in intervals as the player moves, so when static or move slow will get maximized performance due to much lower distance checks.
    - Added option to assign the planted grass to a specific layer, per grass type, for finer control when needed.
    - Added new grass assets and ready to use brushes based on them.
    - Reorganized the InfiniGRASS folder inside the ARTnGAME folder, so can be better organized. Note that for existing installation of the system, is best to create the "ARTnGAME" folder in Assets and move there the InfiniGRASS folder, before importing the v2.0 package, to avoid having two folders with the system.

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    (New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $99 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2023
  31. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS Major Update !!!
    InfiniGRASS URP Beta v2.0 is now available for download on PM request !!
    Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Beta 25 & HDRP Beta 16 are also now available.

    The system offers massive performance boost to foliage rendering.

    The above versions are massive upgrades from the previous Beta releases, with multiple optimizations, adaptation for Unity 2023, massively faster build and shader compilation times and very big number of new features and usability modules.

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    (New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $99 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)
  32. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
  33. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
  34. creat327


    Mar 19, 2009
    which demo scene contains the one displayed on the asset store screenshots? All demos included on the asset do not look remotely as nice as those photos.
  35. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013


    The screenshots use Sky Master ULTIMATE for the lighting, so will need that asset to get same look. That said i now plan to add for standard pipeline the two main image effects used from sky master, to showcase the combination as in those images. The fog and sun shafts will be included, but not the clouds.

    The special gradient volume fog of Sky Master ULTIMATE make for half of the beauty in those images. The rest is just the brushes from InfiniGRASS. Proper lighting can have a massive impact in visuals.

    Note that only infinigrass and sky master ultimate is used, so will never need any other asset to get the look.

    Will be working on this for next version.

    About the APKs not running, i use the build and run and run directly on my mobile, i have not tried install them, so will check on this, as maybe build and run do something extra.

    I check the demo v2.1 in my Samsung S22, you can try build and run it on your mobile, let me know the fps you get as well. This is stress demo, i get 60fps with the static optimized grass, so let me know what you get in your side and can tailor it to lower end if is not yet satisfactory. Also can use the top slider left to remove shadows.

    I will attach here also a demo with a lower view distance and more suitable for the older and weaker mobiles.

    EDIT: I added 3 images showing the changes i made for weaker mobiles than the Samsung, shadows to zero, LOD distances to 190 and 350 for billboards cutoff and disabled the Grass Manager and Permanent Interact modules for the real time planting and shaping. I am testing it now and will post the scene asap.

    Note that for much weaker mobiles, maybe the very detailed grass i use in the above demo is generally not suitable, so will follow up with the demo that uses only quads as well asap.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
  36. creat327


    Mar 19, 2009
    I have sky master too and I don’t see that quality of grass images on any demo files. Which is the demo file I can load so I can see the same images than the screenshots?

    as for infinigrass, which of the demo 2.1 files? Those are high end. I’m trying to test this on a regular phone, a Samsung galaxy S is the most high end phone of Samsung. Not a good test case for regular mobile.
  37. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    What is the spec of the phone needed as minimum ? I can create a demo for much lower end with quad grass.

    But i did add a demo with lower LOD and view distances with the higher end grass, check the below scene as well and let me know what fps you get on the weaker mobile.

    The demos with Sky Master i keep only internally, as users generally not own both assets and would get broken scripts if i included them directly. I will work on adding the fog and shafts from the sky master so can enable similar demos with proper lighting asap for next version and start adding them.
  38. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    I added the fog and sun shafts from Sky Master ULTIMATE for Standard Pipeline, so demos can now have proper atmospheric effects, I post some examples after adding the Sky Master ULTIMATE base filters. This demo will be included in the next version.

    For the clouds and more detailed and variant sky fog or UPR and HDRP pipelines will still require Sky Master ULTIMATE extra effects and cloud systems though, as adding all atmospheric effects from Sky Master ULTIMATE is beyond the scope of the asset, which is mainly focused on optimizing the foliage and vegetation shading, than the overall scene rendering and atmosphere - lighting effects.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
  39. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    I just built the game on mobile with the image effects and seem the vegetation optimization is so good that I still get playable frame rates :). I have to say can hardly believe it to see such visuals on mobile. Also get in game time is instant with the new mode.

    Cant thank you enough for incentivizing me to do those final steps to the full potential of the system :).
    This demo is also using the dynamic permanent grass shaping and interaction system with 6 interactors.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2023
  40. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013


    I have now also fine tuned the image effects for a more natural look of the grass, let me know for any further impressions and suggestions.

    Those demos and image effects will be accessible directly in InfiniGRASS Pro v2.2

    InfiniGRASS is now on Unity Weekend -50% off Sale !
    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    (New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $105 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2023
  41. onembitshorde


    Jan 27, 2017
    Hey there o/
    Please, does this works with Vegetation Engine and/or Microsplat? I'm trying to get a good solution that works with these same effects. Tks in advance.
  42. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
    Hi, i have not adaptations for either, though it should be possible in various ways.

    E.g. now i raycast to find unity splats to plant, but the mass plant is just an example, if microsplat has sone way to get the splat in a point, can adapt it to plant based on that.

    My upcoming InfiniSPLAT will also be directly compatible.

    Also never used the vegetation engine, if is only shaders then also could be used as infinigrass can optimize any mesh using any shader.

    Let me know for more details and can suggest further.
  43. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS v2.1 has been released at the Unity Asset Store !

    InfiniGRASS v2.1
    - Added new optimization system that saves the editor grass on scene and centralizes the LOD control, for instant get in game time and faster performance. The same system can also be used at run time to optimize the run time planted grass at certain game spots.
    - Added demo scene showcasing the new system. Video showing the process

    InfiniGRASS URP Beta v2.0 is now also available for download on PM request !!
    Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Beta 25 & HDRP Beta 16 are also available.

    GIBLION Anime Scene creator is now -50% off in Unity Weekend Sale !

    Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 has been released at the Unity Asset Store and is now on -50% Initial Release Discount, also a $9 upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE !

    InfiniGRASS is now also a $15 upgrade from the new Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 for a limited time!

    Also upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 to Environment Building Bundle for $69 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets !
    Enjoy :)
    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store

    (New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $105 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)
    Last edited: May 9, 2023
  44. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
    Hi, is there any update on testing the demos on mobile ?

    InfiniGRASS v2.1 FULL FEATURES - Run time planting and Permanent grass interaction and shaping


    Note that these are stress test demos, with very detailed close up grass that is normally more suitable to desktop. Much more optimizations can be inserted over this, e.g. blend of detailed and quad based close up grasses.

    Also i wonder if it would be possible to update the review to better reflect the latest state of the system and progress on the mobile performance and the new method for instant get in game time.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    The latest addition of scene depth aware grass system, that can be copied around the map with zero extra RAM allocations, will also further enhance performance in next versions over the one seen in the demos above. Also this mode make full use of GPU instancing between the copied big grass patches, for double benefit.

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
  45. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
  46. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS 2021 Update

    I have now finished another major upgrade to the new version of the system, that allows instant get in game time, very small scene save size and massive performance boost using fully GPU instancing.

    This new mode will be used for the next demo for mobiles, will post news soon.

    I post also the previous latest mobile demos, that run massive grass density, shadows, view distance and detail on my Samsung S22, plus image effects, at more than 30fps. This is a extreme stress test demo for mobiles.

    InfiniGRASS v2.1 FULL FEATURES - Run time planting and Permanent grass interaction and shaping:

    ARTnGAME Offers - May 2023:
    Environment Building Bundle
    is now on -75% Personal Sale ! (More info)
    Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 is a $5 upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE!

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    (New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 to Environment Building Bundle for $89 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)
    NeloElber55 likes this.
  47. NeloElber55


    Aug 3, 2021
    This looks amazing :)

    When is the 2021 version to be released ?
    nasos_333 likes this.
  48. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013
    Hi, the core is already finalized, i now do few more things for run time planting and lot of testing and demos and should release late June.

    ARTnGAME Offers - May 2023:
    Environment Building Bundle
    is now on -75% Personal Sale ! (More info)
    Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 is a $5 upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE!

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    (New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 to Environment Building Bundle for $89 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)
  49. nasos_333


    Feb 13, 2013

    InfiniGRASS 2021 - Stylized grass work in progress on the shading.

    ARTnGame July Offers!
    InfiniTUNES music collection & controller is released with -50% discount, in Unity New Assets Sale!
    Sky Master ULTIMATE can be upgraded to Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 for $5.
    Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 & InfiniTUNES
    can upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle for only $79 for a limited time!

    ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
    (New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $79 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)
    adamgolden and NeloElber55 like this.
  50. NeloElber55


    Aug 3, 2021
    Looks stunning :). Is it available in the last version ?